Monday 30 September 2013


Dear Parents,

This week we will be looking at the short "a" vowel. The story we will be reading is  " That Cat Max" ( Phonics Tales). This will help them sound out the short 'a' vowels in the passages they read.

Thank you,

Tr. Merve :)

Science- Matter - Properties of liquids and solids

Dear parents,

The Unit we will be working on this term  is Matter- Properties of liquids and solids.

Learning Objectives:
- what matter is and is not
- molecules
- the three states of matter
- similarities and differences between solids and liquids
- how matter changes from one state to another
- the interactions of some solids and liquids
- solids that float in water
- solids that absorb liquids
- applying matter knowledge in daily life.

Hope this helps,

Thank you,

Tr. Merve

Math- Addition and Subtraction to 100

Dear Family,

In this Unit, your child will be learning about addition and subtraction of two- digit numbers, and developing and algorithm for finding and recording solutions.

The learning goals for this Unit are to:

- Model addition and subtraction on a place- value mat.
- use the standard algorithm as one way to add and subtract two-digit numbers
- pose and solve number problems requiring addition or subtraction
- use a calculator to solve addition or subtraction problems with numbers over 50.

you can help your child achieve these goals by doing the home connection activities suggested at the bottom of selected pages.

Homework: Page 155. ( due Tuesday)

Thank you,

Tr. Merve

Hajj workshop

Dear parents,

Hope all is well and everyone in good health. As you may know, it is time for Eid Workshop. I would like to inform the parents, we will take several periods to work on the bulleting board throughout this week and inshallah some of next week.

Have yourself a wonderful day,

tr. Merve

Monday 23 September 2013


Dear Parents,

Students now have their agendas . We are getting the hang of using them on a daily bases .Please check your child's agenda on a regular base. I would like parents to sign the child's agenda on a daily base. This will help the teacher and parent know if the child is writing down their homework. Everyday, towards the end of the day, we will take the time to write down the homework, even if there is no homework, please sign the agenda, this way I will know if you have checked the agenda for that day. Also, the agenda is used as a source of communication, please do not hesitate to write me and I will do the same. :)

Thank you,

Tr. Merve

CTBS Testing ( Canadian Test of Basic Skills)

Assalamu Alaikum 

Dear Parents,

Hope all is well and everyone in good health. This is just a quick reminder, we will have the CTBS ( Canadian Test of Basic Skills) test for the next three days. We will start the testing Tuesday September 24 -  Thursday September 26.  Here is the schedule how the test will be conducted.

Language Arts:
- vocabulary
- word analysis
- reading

- listening

Math and Science
- Math concepts
Math problems

-  Math computation

- source of Information

Thank you,

Tr. Merve :)

Thursday 12 September 2013

School items

Assalamu Alaikum 

Dear Parents,

if you can kindly supply your child with the school supplies that is needed. I have sent out a letter asking for the essential such as notebooks and duo tangs for now since it is used daily. Each subject needs a duo tang and a notebook. Please provide your child with a math notebook ( grid line) and not a regular notebook ( with lines).

Also, I have seen some of the kids carrying a ziplock bag  in their school bag.  They use it to put in lose papers given by teachers or homework. It is a great idea because they tend to lose things.  If you can provide your child with a big ziplock by Monday, that would be greatly appreciated. It can be ziplock or any other sort of bag that can zip up and can have few items in it. Hope this helps.


Tr. Merve :)

Arabic- teacher Salam

الصف الثاني الابتدائي
 12 سبتمبر2013

الاهالي الكرام ....
        السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته .. نرحب بكم جميعا و بتلاميذنا الاعزاء , و كل عام و أنتم بخير ، يسعدني أن أقوم بمهمة تدريس مادة اللغة العربية للصف الاول الابتدائي لهذا العام ، جعله الله عز و جل عاما دراسيا مثمرا خيرا .
      منهجنا الدراسي لهذا العام منهج شيق مفيد ، حيث تمثل مجالاته حياة الطفل وتسهم في تنمية قدرات الطفل الذهنية و الفكرية ، و تثري خبراته  في جميع فروع اللغة ( فهم و استيعاب – قراءة – كتابة – و تعبير)، وذلك من خلال  اتباع استراتيجيات متنوعه و محببة للطفل ( الانشودة ، المسابقة ، اللعبة التعليمية الهادفة ، الاعمال الفنية ، مشاركة التلميذ و فعاليته  في العملية التعليمية  ............ ) .
       كما نحرص على ... ضرورة توفير جو نفسي اجتماعي يبعث الطمأنينة في نفس الطفل و يكون حافزا و مشجعا له للاقبال على التعلم بشوق لتحقيق ما نصبو اليه من أهداف تعليمية و تربوية  بيسر و سهولة ...و ذلك من خلال وضع قوانين و اجراءات مناسبة  لضبط السلوك و النظام داخل الفصل ، يتم تدريب التلاميذ على ضرورة اتباعها  لكي يسود الاحترام و التعاون والحب بينهم.
      الكتاب المقرر سيبقى في المدرسة ، و سيرسل ان شاء الله الى البيت مع الطالب من حين الى آخرمع بعض ما ينجزه التلميذ لاطلاع ولي الامر عليه .

      يمكنكم التواصل مع المدرسة من خلال :
اللهم علمنا ما ينفعنا و انفعنا بماعلمتنا و زدنا علما .                          
                                                        مدرسة اللغة العربية / سلام بسيسو