Friday 13 December 2013

Social st. project

Dear Parents,

Students will be given a short 'map assignment' where they will have to use symbols they learned in class to make a map. The assignment will be handed out on Monday and we will have Tuesday and Wednesday to work on it in class. The map will be due on Thursday.

Students will have the following to help them create a map:

1. Information sheet
2. a compass
3.  Map organizer
4. Map grid
5. Map Making checklist
6. Map Making Rubric

The grading will be on (Rubric):

1. organization and neatness
2. Map legend
3. Scale
4. Spelling


Thursday 12 December 2013

Class Supplies

Dear Parents,
We would like some story books for our class library. If you have any gently used books at home that you would like to donate, we would greatly appreciate it.

Also, we would like some Kleenex boxes and wipes to keep the class neat and germ free. We like cleaning as a class. It would help a lot. :)

We would love it if we can also have a universal remote control and a tv mount.

Please make sure your child comes to class prepared with his school supplies such as pencil, eraser glue etc.

Thank you,

Tr. Merve

Language Update

Dear Parents,

In language, we are continuing to learn about biographies. We are learning to write sequence of events from the stories we are reading about. Students are getting familiar with sequence words such as first. second, next etc.


The next two weeks, we will learn about creating a sentence using a subject and action word.

Thank you,

Tr. Merve

Social St. update

Dear Parents,

We will be covering how to use:
1. direction on a Map
2. using Canada map to learn about the compass
3. Learning about different provinces and territories.

This unit will come to an end by next week. By January we will begin the new unit " communalities".

Thank you,

Tr. Merve

Math update

Dear Parents

In math we are learning about addition and subtraction. Part of the lesson involved students count with coins. We will take the next few weeks to learn the different types of coins and how to add it up. Majority of the worksheet will be completed in class. The reason why the work will be in class  so they have more one on one time with the teacher. This will help solve many of their questions. Same will be applied to the other subjects. Please help your child review the topics learned in class by reviewing their worksheets/workbooks.

Thank you,

Merve :)

Spelling Test- Monday December 16, 2013

Dear Parents,

We will have our regular weekly spelling test on Monday December 16, 2013. We had the practice run today in the morning. Here is the list of the words. :)


There will be a bonus
Monday December 16, 2013

Friday 29 November 2013

Quran update

Quran Update from Tr. Samia

Dear parents

Alhamdulillah by the beginning of December, we have finished Surat Attariq, and we will have a test on the whole surah on Dec 9th Insha Allah. Then we will start Surat Al-Bourooj Insha Allah. Please practice with your child using this website and go to Sheikh Ibrahim Alakhadar:  

Quran: Update from Tr. Samia

Congratulations to the best memorizers  and reciters of the month 
of November: 

2A                                                  2B
1.Ayesha.                                     1.Mayam A.
2.Ghala.                                         2.Zaid.
3.Karim.                                         3.Ranad.
4.Hamza A.                                    4.Ismail.

Jazakum Allahu Khairan for your cooperation.

Thursday 28 November 2013

Spelling Test - Monday December 2, 2013

Dear Parents,

The spelling list is from the Spelling workbook. Page 18. Here is the list of words

1. Gum
2. pot
3. Dust
4. frog
5. Must
6. Sock
7. Pup
8. Shot
9. Soft
10. Tug

There will be a bonus words. :)

Spelling Test: MONDAY DECEMBER 2, 2013.

Have a wonderful weekend. :)

Tr. Merve

Friday 22 November 2013


أولياء الأمور الكرام / السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته 

أود أن أعلمكم بأننا بفضل الله وتعاونكم الستمر قد انهينا الوحدة الأولى من الكتاب (الحياة المدرسية ) وبدأنا في المحور الثانني (الوقت ) . 

وإن شاء الله سنقوم بعدة أنشطة صفية نراجع فيها  مختلف المهارات التي تمت مناقشتها.

أرجو منك ولي الأمر الكريم أن تقرأ مع ابنك كل يوم درس اللغة العربية  فالكتاب دائما معه .

جزاكم الله خبرا

 المدرسة : أمل

Tuesday 19 November 2013

Language Update

Dear Parents,

The next few weeks focus will be on biographies. We will  read biographies from Literacy in Action.  Students will be familiar with words such as first, then, Next and Last. We will use the new  vocabularies to help us create individual biographies towards the end of the unit inshallah. 

we will cover: 
- writing statements and questions ( telling the difference between the two)
- proofreading statements and questions. 
- punctuating exclamations

Thank you,

Tr. Merve 

Tuesday 5 November 2013

Social studies and Science

Dear Parents

Social St.

We will be looking at the Provinces/Territories of Canada  this week Inshallah.


We will be looking at different types of Liquid. We will have a in class experiment.

Thank you,

Tr. Merve

Math update

Dear Parents,

This is a quick update, we are done working with adding two digit numbers.  We are working towards learning how to subtract. The next few weeks, we will practice subtracting two digit numbers. :)

Thank you,



Dear Parents,

This week we will be focusing on capital, period and questions mark. Students will learn the difference between a question and an answer. We will create questions from words such as

how, Where, What, When, should, could, Is etc.

Inshallah starting next week, we will be talking about biographies and creating personal timelines. We will have in class project where students will be asked to create a timeline. further detail will be instructed as we go along with the lesson and detail outline of the project will be posted on the blog and letter sent home as well.

Thank you,

Tr. Merve

Friday 1 November 2013


Quran: Update from Tr. Samia

Dear parents

Alhamdulillah by the beginning of the month of November we are in the middle of Surat Alaalaa ,we will have a test on the whole surah Insha Allah on Monday Nov 18  , so please practice with your child using this website and go to Sheikh Ibrahim Alakhadar:  

Congratulations to the best memorizers  and reciters of the month 
of October : 
2A:  Omar                               2B:     Hamzah K
        Ahmed                                       Siraj
        Xena                                          Hanin A

Jazakum Allahu Khairan for your cooperation.

Thursday 31 October 2013

Spelling Test

Dear teacher,

This is a quick reminder, we will have our weekly spelling test tomorrow Friday, November 1, 2013.

The spelling test will be on Weekdays and the weekend.

There will be 7 words including a bonus. :)



Tuesday 29 October 2013


Dear Parents,

This is a quick reminder for those who would like to purchase books during the scholastic week. We are scheduled for tomorrow Wednesday October 30, 2013. If your child would like to purchase a book/other items, please provide your child with the money in an zip lock bag with their name on it.

Thank you,

Tr. Merve


Dear Parents,

Many of the students have after school programs and get home at a late hour. I'm noticing many students are not completing their homework. The homework load seems to be a lot lately. To avoid incomplete homework, I will give less homework throughout the week to help student finish their work on time. I do not want my students to be overwhelmed with too much homework.

Also, Please continue the signing in each worksheet they bring home. It is greatly appreciated it. Thank you for taking the time to do so. :)

Thank you,

Tr. Merve

math update

Dear Parents,

The past two days, we have been practicing double digit adding. I will mark their worksheet and send them home to be signed. Please take the time to sign them. Some of the student need the time to continue adding double digit number, I will continue working on them throughout the week. I will send worksheet as homework to continue to help them improve their adding skills.

I have noticed, some of the students are mixing up writing double digit numbers or confusing the numbers such as 7 with a 2 and 6 with a 9 and so on. You will see counting worksheet  to help them practice their numbers. We will work on writing double digit numbers properly and getting the numbers right to help them write the correct answer when it comes to their test and work. :) I will quiz them throughout the week to check the progress. Hope all this helps. :)

Tr. Merve

Science experiment

Dear parents,

We will have a in class experiment where I will bring in different objects and ask students to tell me whether they are solid, liquid, and gas. We will take up the lesson as a class and write down our findings inshallah. There will be a worksheet sent home at the end of the day where it will ask students to pick two object that is a solid. Once chosen, there will be set of questions where students will have to record their findings. This Solid experiment will be due next week, Monday November 4, 2013. 

Language update

Dear Parents,

This week, we will focus on reading comprehension. We will read different passages and answer questions. They will be marked and sent home inshallah throughout the week.

Grammar: we will continue working on Capitalization and period.

Spelling test: Inshallah this weeks spelling test will be on the weekdays. Please do not practice with your child till after we have the practice test which will be tomorrow Wednesday October 30, 2013.

Spelling test : Friday November 1, 2013

Thank you,

Merve :)

Social St. Quiz update

Dear parents,

I realized I did not mention the context of the quiz on the last post. Please this is a reminder the quiz will be asking students the name of the 7 continents and the 4 oceans. Hope this helps. :)

Thank you,

Tr. Merve

Monday 28 October 2013

Social St Quiz

Dear Parents,

Hope all is well and everyone is in good health. We will have a quiz on Thursday October 31, 2013. I will quiz them on the 7 continents and the 4 oceans.

I will use one of the worksheet that we have worked on in class as the quiz. The students are familiar with it. Its the first sheet, which is the Map of the World (page3).

Thank you,

Tr. Merve

Scholastic Book Fair

Dear Parents,
Assalamu Alaikum

The first Scholastic Book Fair of the school year is coming to our school this week! What better way to promote reading to our students than by supporting this important literary event! A book fair flyer will be sent home with your child on Monday, October 28, 2013. For more information on this exciting event, please go to


Nancy-Ann Brethour,
Abraar School Librarian

Friday 25 October 2013

Arabic -Tr. Amal


يوم الاثنين القادم الموافق 28/ 10 سيكون عندنا اختبار في درس معلمتي صفحة 8 - 9 -10 - 11 -   إن شاء الله  -

أرجو مراجعة ذلك مع تلاميذنا الأعزاء . جزاكم  الله خيرا

المدرسة أمل

Wednesday 23 October 2013

Islamic St. Test - Monday October 28, 2013

Dear Parents,

We will have a test on the story of Prophet Adam. The test is as follow.

part 1: Fill in the blank
-   the words will be provided .They will read  sentences  and write the correct answer.

Part 2: True or False
-  there will be 4 questions where the students have to state whether the sentence is true or false.

part 3:  short answer
- there will be several questions where students have to write an answer for it. They are very simple and questions they are familiar with and questions that we have talked about in class.

They are well familiar with the story of Prophet Adam. All the questions are taken from the textbook. We will have review inshallah this week. I will send the textbook home on Friday.  They should be familiar with the story. There is no need for memorization.

Example questions: 

Who is Shaytan?

Allah told all the angels to bow down to Adam? true or false

They are simple questions. Hope this helps.




Islamic studies- family activity

Dear Parents,

Home time activity:

Monitor your child while working on this activity. You can work together as a team. :)

I would like you and your child to keep a log for one week.  Your child is to write down three good things they did to please Allah. The chart will be sent home today inshallah.

Please start the activity on Sunday October 27.

I would like the activity back by Monday November 4, 2013.

They will be posted outside the class on the bulletin board. If you can kindly glue on a picture of your child, That would be greatly appreciated. I would like them to be personalized.

Thank you,

Tr. Merve

Language- writing procedure

Dear parents,

These  are the points I will be focusing on during the writing process throughout this term. I will mark student work based on the three point as mentioned below.

1. Capitalization (1 mark)
2. period (1 mark)
3. Sentence structure ( 1 mark)  [ if the sentence makes sense]

I will also circle any misspelled words and put ('sp') on top of the circle words meaning it is a spelling mistake. They will be asked to spell the word correctly.

As well, each student will have a dictionary. They will write the words in their personal dictionary to keep as a references of those misspelled words.

Thank you,

Tr. Merve  :)

Language- Short " o" vowel spelling list

Dear Parents,

We had a practice test this morning. Here is the list of the words.

1. Knock
2. stop
3. box
4. fox
5. lollipop
6. lobster
7. spots
8. socks
9. hot
10. jog
11. dog
12. block

have a wonderful day.

Tr. Merve :)

Test on: FRIDAY OCTOBER 25, 2013

Arabic- Tr. Amal


في هذه الفترة تم تدريس درسين من محور ( الحياة المدرسية)  في المدرسة - ومعلمتي قراءة وكتابة التدريبات الصفية والأنشطة


ملاحظة سأبدأ بإرسال الكتاب مع التلميذ للاطلاع على المنهج ومساعدته في المنزل

يوم الجمعة سيكون عند التلاميذ إملاء في درس معلمتي آخر الكتاب صفحة 92 

تا - تو - تي - تا ............إلى كلمة تشجع  وسيتم أيضا تدريب التلاميذ عليها في الصف

شكرا لكم تعاونكم 

 المدرسة أمل

Tuesday 22 October 2013

Math test- Wednesday October 23, 2013

Dear parents,

I have sent home the practice run we had in class for the math test. The test will be tomorrow, Wednesday October 23, 2013.

Please sign it. :)

Thank you

Tr. Merve

Monday 21 October 2013

Math update

Dear parents,

We will continue practicing adding two digit numbers this week. We will inshallah get into subtracting two digit numbers coming up weeks.

We have had many practice placing numbers on place value-mats. Inshallah on Wednesday, the class will be tested on the place value-mats. The test will be as followed:

  • There will be a place value- mat. I will write a number inside the mat. The student is to place the number in the mat. The mat is the same format as the ones  from the workbook. They are familiar with the format and how to place each number.

Place value-mat Test- Wednesday October 23, 2013

Thank you,

Tr. Merve 



Dear parents,

Hope all is well and everyone is in good health.

Just a quick update and reminder.

We will have the capitalization quiz tomorrow Tuesday, October 21, 2013.  I will send home the practice quiz we did on Friday home with your child inshallah.

As well this week, we will be looking at short 'o' vowel. we will have different activities to help students learn new words. The spelling test will be on Friday as usual. We will have a practice run on Wednesday inshallah. I will post the new spelling words after the practice test.

Thank you,

Tr. Merve

Friday 18 October 2013

Social studies update

Dear parents,

A quick update. As a class we have been talking about:

1. 7 continents
2. the 4 oceans
3. what is globe , sphere, hemisphere  and equator.

The next few weeks, we will cover:

1. A map and a globe
2. North America
3. Learning where we live in Canada
4. Canada's provinces and Territories.

There will be a worksheet sent home for the weekend. :)

Thank you,

Tr. Merve

Language- Capitalization Quiz Tuesday Oct 22, 2013

Dear Parents,

We will have a Quiz on Capitalization on Tuesday October 22, 2013.

The test is as follow:

There will be 6 questions. The test will ask ' circle the words that show the correct way to begin a sentence'. We will have a practice run today, Friday October 18, 2013.

Thank you,

Tr. Merve :)


Dear parents I hope you and your family had a wonderful Eid. May Allah grant all your wishes and dreams. Have a wonderful weekend. :)


Tr. Merve

Monday 7 October 2013


Dear Parents,

I would like to take the time to thank you for taking the time to sign all their homework and agenda's. I greatly appreciate it.

Thank you,

Tr. Merve

Math update

Dear Parents,

We will continue working on Place Value Mats this week. Inshallah with many practice, we will continue on with the rest of the unit. Please when workbook is home, try to do the home connection with them. Inshallah this week we will work on the pages 161-165 with worksheets being sent home throughout the week.

Thank you,

Tr. Merve

Language update

Dear parents,

Hope all is well and everyone had a wonderful weekend.

The past week, We have spent working on Short 'a' vowel and practiced writing capital letters for day, months, and holiday. We will continue working on Capitals this week inshallah.

This week we will discuss Short 'o' vowel. This morning during circle time we read " Todd's odd day"  ( phonics Tales). We will have in class exercises as well as  homework this week inshallah.

Please keep in mind, The spelling test will be on Wednesday, October 9, 2013.

I usually give out the new spelling list every Friday, This Friday October 11, 2013 is PDD. The new spelling list will be given out next week on Friday October 18, 2013.

Thank you,

Tr. Merve

Friday 4 October 2013

Language- Spelling List #2

Dear Parents,

Here is week 2 spelling list. We had a practice run this morning .The test will be on Wednesday October 9, 2013.  Students have a copy in their language folder. :)

1. Cat
2. That
3. Can
4. Catch
5. Grass
6. Chat
7. Tan
8. Hat
9. Math
10. Add
11. Subtract
12. Fast

Thank you,

Tr. Merve

Thursday 3 October 2013


Quran: Update from Tr. Samia

Dear parents

Alhamdulillah by the beginning of the month of October  we finished the first Surah for this school year ( AlGhasiah) ,we will have a test on the whole surah Insha Allah on Monday Oct 21  , so please practice with your child using this website and go to Sheikh Ibrahim Alakhadar:  

Congratulations to the best memorizers  and reciters of the month 
of September : 
2A                                                                   2B
1.Ikhlas.                                                        1.Safeyyah.
3.  Noor.                                                       3.Zunairah.

Jazakum Allahu Khairan for your cooperation.

Tuesday 1 October 2013

Language- Spelling Test 1 List

Dear Parents,

We will have the first spelling test #1 on Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Here are the words:

1. Has
2. Ran
3. grab
4. Sat
5. As
6. Bats
7. Flat
8. Last
9. Man
10. Band
11. Plan

Each student should have a copy of the spelling list in their language folder.

Thank you,

Tr. Merve

Monday 30 September 2013


Dear Parents,

This week we will be looking at the short "a" vowel. The story we will be reading is  " That Cat Max" ( Phonics Tales). This will help them sound out the short 'a' vowels in the passages they read.

Thank you,

Tr. Merve :)

Science- Matter - Properties of liquids and solids

Dear parents,

The Unit we will be working on this term  is Matter- Properties of liquids and solids.

Learning Objectives:
- what matter is and is not
- molecules
- the three states of matter
- similarities and differences between solids and liquids
- how matter changes from one state to another
- the interactions of some solids and liquids
- solids that float in water
- solids that absorb liquids
- applying matter knowledge in daily life.

Hope this helps,

Thank you,

Tr. Merve

Math- Addition and Subtraction to 100

Dear Family,

In this Unit, your child will be learning about addition and subtraction of two- digit numbers, and developing and algorithm for finding and recording solutions.

The learning goals for this Unit are to:

- Model addition and subtraction on a place- value mat.
- use the standard algorithm as one way to add and subtract two-digit numbers
- pose and solve number problems requiring addition or subtraction
- use a calculator to solve addition or subtraction problems with numbers over 50.

you can help your child achieve these goals by doing the home connection activities suggested at the bottom of selected pages.

Homework: Page 155. ( due Tuesday)

Thank you,

Tr. Merve

Hajj workshop

Dear parents,

Hope all is well and everyone in good health. As you may know, it is time for Eid Workshop. I would like to inform the parents, we will take several periods to work on the bulleting board throughout this week and inshallah some of next week.

Have yourself a wonderful day,

tr. Merve

Monday 23 September 2013


Dear Parents,

Students now have their agendas . We are getting the hang of using them on a daily bases .Please check your child's agenda on a regular base. I would like parents to sign the child's agenda on a daily base. This will help the teacher and parent know if the child is writing down their homework. Everyday, towards the end of the day, we will take the time to write down the homework, even if there is no homework, please sign the agenda, this way I will know if you have checked the agenda for that day. Also, the agenda is used as a source of communication, please do not hesitate to write me and I will do the same. :)

Thank you,

Tr. Merve

CTBS Testing ( Canadian Test of Basic Skills)

Assalamu Alaikum 

Dear Parents,

Hope all is well and everyone in good health. This is just a quick reminder, we will have the CTBS ( Canadian Test of Basic Skills) test for the next three days. We will start the testing Tuesday September 24 -  Thursday September 26.  Here is the schedule how the test will be conducted.

Language Arts:
- vocabulary
- word analysis
- reading

- listening

Math and Science
- Math concepts
Math problems

-  Math computation

- source of Information

Thank you,

Tr. Merve :)

Thursday 12 September 2013

School items

Assalamu Alaikum 

Dear Parents,

if you can kindly supply your child with the school supplies that is needed. I have sent out a letter asking for the essential such as notebooks and duo tangs for now since it is used daily. Each subject needs a duo tang and a notebook. Please provide your child with a math notebook ( grid line) and not a regular notebook ( with lines).

Also, I have seen some of the kids carrying a ziplock bag  in their school bag.  They use it to put in lose papers given by teachers or homework. It is a great idea because they tend to lose things.  If you can provide your child with a big ziplock by Monday, that would be greatly appreciated. It can be ziplock or any other sort of bag that can zip up and can have few items in it. Hope this helps.


Tr. Merve :)

Arabic- teacher Salam

الصف الثاني الابتدائي
 12 سبتمبر2013

الاهالي الكرام ....
        السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته .. نرحب بكم جميعا و بتلاميذنا الاعزاء , و كل عام و أنتم بخير ، يسعدني أن أقوم بمهمة تدريس مادة اللغة العربية للصف الاول الابتدائي لهذا العام ، جعله الله عز و جل عاما دراسيا مثمرا خيرا .
      منهجنا الدراسي لهذا العام منهج شيق مفيد ، حيث تمثل مجالاته حياة الطفل وتسهم في تنمية قدرات الطفل الذهنية و الفكرية ، و تثري خبراته  في جميع فروع اللغة ( فهم و استيعاب – قراءة – كتابة – و تعبير)، وذلك من خلال  اتباع استراتيجيات متنوعه و محببة للطفل ( الانشودة ، المسابقة ، اللعبة التعليمية الهادفة ، الاعمال الفنية ، مشاركة التلميذ و فعاليته  في العملية التعليمية  ............ ) .
       كما نحرص على ... ضرورة توفير جو نفسي اجتماعي يبعث الطمأنينة في نفس الطفل و يكون حافزا و مشجعا له للاقبال على التعلم بشوق لتحقيق ما نصبو اليه من أهداف تعليمية و تربوية  بيسر و سهولة ...و ذلك من خلال وضع قوانين و اجراءات مناسبة  لضبط السلوك و النظام داخل الفصل ، يتم تدريب التلاميذ على ضرورة اتباعها  لكي يسود الاحترام و التعاون والحب بينهم.
      الكتاب المقرر سيبقى في المدرسة ، و سيرسل ان شاء الله الى البيت مع الطالب من حين الى آخرمع بعض ما ينجزه التلميذ لاطلاع ولي الامر عليه .

      يمكنكم التواصل مع المدرسة من خلال :
اللهم علمنا ما ينفعنا و انفعنا بماعلمتنا و زدنا علما .                          
                                                        مدرسة اللغة العربية / سلام بسيسو

Monday 24 June 2013

Grade 2A Summer Play Date!

Grade 2A Summer Play Date!

You're all invited!
Let's mark our calendars Insha'Allah.

When: Thursday, August 15, 2013
Where: Canadian Children's Museum inside the Museum of Civilization (100 Rue Laurier, Gatineau, QC K1A 0M8, 5 mins from downtown Ottawa)

No RSVP needed, simply show up anytime after 4:00pm and it is free admission until closing time at 8:00pm

Hope to see you all there!

Wednesday 19 June 2013

Summer Fun and Preparing for Grade 3!

In the name of God, Most Merciful, Most Kind,

Dear Graduates of Grade 2A!!!

Just a friendly message from your teacher! I wish you all have a wonderful and safe summer : )

For those who would like some fun computer games that will help you get ready for grade 3, try these links:

A glimpse of what will be covered in math next year:

Language (but also links to other subjects):

Easier link to audio books (click on Tumblebooks):
Other summer time tips:
1- Read everyday!
2- Keep a summer journal of what you do every day - write and draw pictures!
3- Stay active - play, play, play outside!