Thursday 29 January 2015

Quraan Competition First Round Dates

Dear parents and Guardians,

Assalamu Allikum,

Hope this email reaches you in the best state of Eman.

For the students who have submitted registration slips for the competition, please be advised that the first round of the competition will start after the Family Day weekend  and will last until the beginning of March, so be prepared for this round according to the following dates:

 (Feb. 17 to Feb.20 )              JK, SK
 (Feb.17. to Feb. 20)              Grades 1.
 (Feb. Feb. 27)              Grades 2 and 3 .
 (Feb.17. to Feb 20)               Grades 4
 (Feb. Feb. 27)              Grades 5 & 6 
 (Feb.17. to Feb 20)               Grades 7 & 8 

On a final note, we would really appreciate any donations you can make in support of this competition. Jazakum Allah Khairan, no need to remind you of the enormous ajer in helping such a noble cause.
Those donations will go towards the gifts and trophies we will give for all of our students who participated.

Wassalamu Allikum,

Tr. Hadia


Alsalamu Alaikum,

Today we had a wonderful day alhamdulilah!

Reading: Students sat on the carpet and I read What Do Teachers Do (after you leave). 

Islamic Studies: We read more about the prophet (SAW) as a child, and students answered questions about the lesson.

Science: Students finished their experiment about solids.

Math: Our math buddies joined us and we completed a worksheet about even and odd numbers.

We sang A Beautiful Day to practice for our assembly.

Reminders: Students did not take a homework pack this week, so they can work on their Islamic Studies project, but in shaa Allah they will be assigned some math worksheets to work on throughout the week.

I hope you all have a great evening in shaa Allah!

Wednesday 28 January 2015


Alsalamu Alaikum,

Today we had a great day alhamdulilah!

Language: Students wrote sentences about what they think their teacher does after school, and they drew a picture of their teacher.

Math: Today we learned even and odd numbers, and students completed page 38 in their math books.

Gym: We went to the gym and played Dolphin Escape and Sharks and Life Guards!

Social Students: We are learning the provinces and territories in Canada. Today students labeled a map.

We sang A Beautiful Day to practice for our assembly.

I hope you all have a wonderful evening!

Tuesday 27 January 2015

Today's Classwork

Alsalamu Alaikum,

Today we had a lovely day alhamdulilah!

Math: Students completed worksheets about double facts.

Science: We did an experiment where students learned that a solid stays a solid even if it breaks into pieces. We each got to work with four solids (chalk, paper, chocolate and ice).  We examined these solids. Then we broke them and describe the solids before and after breaking them. 

Language: We had our second  guided reading session with Tr. Naaz today. 

Islamic Studies: We read about Prophet Muhammed (SAW) as a child.

  • Homework pack is due tomorrow.
  • Start working on the Islamic Studies project (The Year of the Elephant)
I hope you have a great evening in shaa Allah!

Monday 26 January 2015

Classwork and Homework

Alsalamu Alaikum,

Today we had a great day alhamdulilah!

Computer Lab: We went to the computer lab and students read stories on Razkids and played educational games.

Spelling: Students wrote the spelling quiz and they marked each other's work. We started lesson 17, Words with le. They answered questions in their spelling book about the new list words. 

Math: We are learning about DOUBLES FACTS. We completed page 38 in our Math books.

Gym: We went to the gym, students were divided into groups, and we played hockey, freezbie and skipping.

Islamic Studies: Students wrote their Islamic Studies quiz about prayer.

Students sat on the carpet and they answered questions about The Year of the Elephant. 

  • Spelling book page 71.
  • Study Doubles Facts (Students took home a sheet with the Doubles Facts today)
Quran Homework (Tr. Ibtissam): Help your child memorize Surah Al-Borooj from Ayah 12 to 15. 

Arabic Homework (Tr. Salam):

واجب اللغة العربية للغد الثلاثاء 27 /1 ان شاء الله

التدريب على القراءة الصحيحة بصوت مرتفع عدة مرات لدرس أسرتي ص 28 – 29                              
Have a lovely evening in shaa Allah!

Friday 23 January 2015

Classwork and Homework

Alsalamu Alaikum,

Today we had a great day alhamdulilah!

Art: Students used paint, construction paper and Popsicle sticks to make a tree house. Masha'allah they all did a wonderful job!

Language: Students chose a book to read, they wrote the title of the book, the author's purpose, and a sentence describing their favourite part in their journals. Then they drew a picture from their book.

Science: Today students drew pictures of the solids they had explored on Wednesday. They described the way they look and their texture. Then we got to weigh some of the solids and record their weights.

Math: We completed a more or less worksheet.

Social Studies: Students presented their map projects.

  • Spelling quiz on Monday: bunny, many, fry, only, lucky, by, tiny, penny, why, key
  • Students have an Islamic Studies quiz on prayer on Monday in shaa Allah. Play the board game with your child to practice.
  • Students will answer the science worksheets in this week's homework pack to practice for Friday's quiz.

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend!

Thursday 22 January 2015

Classwork and Homework

Alsalamu Alaikum,

Today we had a wonderful day alhamdulilah!

Islamic Studies: Students sat on the carpet and we read about The Year of the Elephant. They completed a crossword about the lesson.

Islamic Studies Project (due on Monday, 02/02/2015) : Make a diorama or a poster with the Kabah, elephants and birds with stones to represent the year of the elephant.

Social Studies: We started learning about the provinces and territories in Canada and sang a song to help us memorize them. We also watched a video to learn some interesting facts about Canada.

Math: Our math buddies joined us and we used cheerios to make number patterns on a 100-chart. Students also learned how to add or subtract 1 and 10 using a 100-chart.


  •  Homework pack (due on Wednesday)
  • Students have a science quiz about animals on Friday, 01/30/2015. The practice worksheets are in this week's homework pack.
I hope you all have a great evening in shaa Allah!

Wednesday 21 January 2015

Classwork and Homework

Alsalamu Alaikum,

Today we had a wonderful day alhamdulilah!

Language: Students wrote sentences about a special day they had, they circled the pronouns, and drew a picture.

Science: Today we learned about solids and some of their properties. Students completed a word bank about solids, and they each found two solids to look at using a magnifying glass. Each student talked about the texture, shape and size of his/her solid.

Math: Students used fruit loops to skip count on a 100-chart. Each student made his/her own number pattern on a 100-chart using markers.

Last period we got to go visit our math buddies in 4A and we used fake money to buy lovely items they had made. The students had a great time alhamdulilah!

Library: We went to the library and finished working on our MAP projects. Students also checked out books.

Health: We discussed the different food groups. Students took turns to write and draw food pictures under each food group.

Homework: Complete the math worksheet by making a number pattern (e.g. 2,4,6,8,10,12...etc)

Reminder: If you still wish to order books from the scholastic flyer, please make sure you send a cheque this week.

I hope you all have a great evening in shaa Allah!

Tuesday 20 January 2015

Quran (Tr. Ibtissam)

Alsalamu Alaikum,

Please help your child to memorize Surah AlBorooj Ayah 10-11


Classwork and Homework

Alsalamu Alaikum,

Today we had a great day alhamdulilah!

Language: Today we learned about pronouns. Students completed a worksheet where they circled pronouns and replaced nouns with pronouns.

Guided Reading: Today we had our first guided reading class where Tr. Naaz joined us and students were placed in groups according to their reading level. Tr. Naaz and I each sat with a group and the students took turns to read while the other groups read quietly. 

Math: We are learning about number patterns on a 100-chart. Students completed pages 44 and 45 in their math books. 

Islamic Studies: We finished our chapter about Thikir. Students learned about the sunnah prayers and the Thikir we say after prayer. 

Arabic Homework (Tr. Salam):

السلام عليكم:

أود التذكير بأن موعد تسليم النشاط اللغوي الموجه ( كيف تنظم وقتك) ، غدا الاربعاء 21/1 ان شاء الله ، كما أود الاشارة الى :
* اننا انتهيننا من محورالوقت ، و تم تقييم صفي للطالب بذلك .
* استمع التلاميذ لقصة (من لم يعمل لايشرب )  ، و تم عمل عدة أنشطة تابعة لها ، و كان آخرها  تدريب الطالب على عمل تقرير خاص بالقصة  نقلا .
 فالرجاء التوقيع للغد : * التقييم الصفي لمحور الوقت ص 18 – 19 من الكتاب المرفق مع الطالب ،*و توقيع تقرير القصة من الملف المرفق مع الطالب أيضا  .
*بدأنا اليوم التمهيد للوحدة الجديدة  ( التواصل) .                        
     جزاكم الله خيرا

I hope you all have a lovely evening in shaa Allah!

Monday 19 January 2015

Classwork and Homework

Alsalamu Alaikum,

Today we had a great day alhamdulilah!

Spelling: Students wrote their spelling quiz and the bonus was always, enjoy and stray. Today students got to check each other's work after we talked about some rules that must be followed when doing so. Masha'Allah they did a great job and had lots of fun!

We started lesson 16, Y as a Vowel. Students learned the new list words and they answered questions in their spelling books.

Math: We completed page 37 in our math books.

Science: We started our new unit in Science today. We talked about what matter is. Students got to explore different textures of matter in the class and they completed a worksheet about matter.

Gym: We went to the gym and played Giant Soup!

  • Math book page 37 (Home connection)
  • Spelling book page 68.
  • If you have not sent the assessment folder, please do so tomorrow.
I hope you all have a wonderful evening in shaa Allah!

Saturday 17 January 2015

Spelling Quiz List Words

 plays, say, may, tray, gray, today, away, they, boys, joy

Thursday 15 January 2015

Classwork and Homework

Alsalamu Alaikum,

Today we had a wonderful day alhamdulilah!

Islamic Studies: Students made a board game about Salah. Play the game with your child and take turns answering questions about prayer.

Math: We completed pages 40 and 41 with our math buddies. 

Science: Students wrote six facts they learned about fish.

Social Studies: Europe presented their map!

  • Homework pack is due on Wednesday.
  • Math book pages 42 and 43.
Quran Homework (Tr. Ibtissam): Help your child review surat Al Aorooj, ayahs 1 to 9.

Today students took home their I Love Islam text books. Students have a quiz about salah on Monday, 01/26/2015. 
Read Unit C:
  • Chapter 3: Let's Pray
  • Chapter 4: I am Seven , I Pray the Right Way
  • Chapter 5: Thikr After Salah
Students also took their assessment folders home today. Please sign your child's quizzes and send them to school on Monday.

I hope you all enjoy the long weekend!

Wednesday 14 January 2015

Today's Classwork

Alsalamu Alaikum,

Today we had a great day alhamdulilah!

Science: We watched a video about the characteristics of fish. Students labeled a fish. They sat on the carpet and I read some facts about fish. Students also completed a worksheet where they completed sentences about fish using a word bank.

Math: We completed pages 32, 33, and 34 in our math books.

Social Studies: Students are working on their group projects. They are making a map by following instructions. In shaa Allah tomorrow they will present their maps in front of the class.

Reminders: Tomorrow is Spirit Day! Dress like your parents.

I hope you all have a great evening!

Tuesday 13 January 2015

Today's Classwork

Alsalamu Alaikum,

Today we had a lovely day alhamdulilah!

Math: Students wrote their math quiz on bar graphs and pictographs.

Language: We made poems about our monsters using lots and lots of adjectives! Students took turns to read their poems to the class.

Students also made a lovely craft where each student pulled out a student's name from a cup, wrote it on a cloud, and wrote adjectives to describe the student. 

Social Studies: Students sat on the carpet and I explained that we will be starting a group project tomorrow where each group will be making a map on chart paper following certain instructions. 

Islamic Studies: Students are learning about Thikir after salah. Students said some thikir that is said after salah and we read a story about thikir. 

  • Sign your child's spelling notebook and send it to school tomorrow.
  • Students took the scholastic flyers home today. please only send cheques. The deadline is Thursday, 01/22/2015.
I hope you all have a wonderful evening in shaa Allah!

Arabic (Tr. Salam)

نشاط لغوي موجه  (الصف الثاني الابتدائي)
كيف تنظم وقتك
موعد التسليم الاربعاء 21/ 1

بعد ان انتهينا من محور الوقت ، المطلوب من الطالب كتابة ( 5 -7 ) جمل بسيطة ، يتحدث من خلالها عن روتين حياته اليومي (كيف ينظم وقته) ، مع اقترانها ببعض الصور الشارحة . وقد تم تدريب الطالب على ذلك .
الرجاء ان ينفذ النشاط على ورق عادى أو مقوى حسب رغبة الطالب ، ولكن من الضروري أن يكون بحجم الورقة العادية حتى يسهل عرضه.
وسيتم ان شاء الله تقويم النشاط على الاتي :
جودة الجمل و صحتها / حسن الخط المشكل مع مراعاة موقع الحرف من السطر / وضوح الصور الشارحة حسن عرض الطالب للنشاط امام الفصل ( القراءة الصحيحة للجمل المكتوبة وفهمها ، الصوت الواضح ، والنطق الصحيح).                      

Monday 12 January 2015

Classwork and Homework

Alsalamu Alaikum,

Today we had a great day alhamdulilah!

Computer Lab: Students went to the computer lab and we read books on razkids. We also played educational games on IXL.

Spelling: Students wrote their spelling quiz (lessons 13 and 14). We started our new lesson (Vowels  with Y) and students answered questions in their spelling books.

Math: We started Unit 2, Number Relationships. Students completed pages 29 and 30 in their math books. Please read page 28 in the math book with your child and sign it.

Science: Students wrote down 5 special things they learned about amphibians.

Gym: We went to the gym and played Dodge ball and Fast.

  • Math book page 30 (Home connection).
  • Spelling book pages 63 and 64 (due on Wednesday)
  • Students have a math quiz tomorrow on bar graphs and pictographs.
  • Thursday is Spirit day. Dress like your parents!
I hope you have a wonderful evening in shaa Allah!

Friday 9 January 2015

Classwork and Reminders

Alsalamu Alaikum,

Today we had a wonderful day alhamdulilah!

Math: Students made a marble jar and filled it with different colours of marbles using construction paper. They wrote a probability sentence about their marbles. 

Art: Students made monsters using paint, markers and googly eyes! They all did a great job masha'Allah!

Language: Students took turns to write adjectives describing their monsters on chart paper.

Social Studies: Students wrote the "L" portion in their KWL charts where they wrote down what they learned about maps. 

Gym: We played Green Light/ Red Light!

  • Thursday, 01/15/2015 is Spirit day! Dress like your parents!
  • Math quiz on Tuesday on pictographs and bar graphs.
  • Spelling quiz on Monday (Lessons 13 and 14)
List Words for Spelling quiz: 
grass, truck, trunk, flew, flat, class, plate, from, glove, friend
snake, smell, still, smoke, spell, swim, slice, most, strike, story

I hope you all have a lovely weekend in shaa Allah!

    Thursday 8 January 2015

    Classwork and Homework Homework:

    Alsalamu Alaikum,

    Today we had a great day alhamdulilah!

    Science: Students finished making their Venn diagram comparing reptiles to amphibians.

    Islamic Studies: Students made a craft about the different positions of prayer using paper, markers and foam sheets. 

    Math: Today our math buddies joined us! Students completed a jelly bean worksheet about probability with their math buddies. Once they finished, they ate the jelly beans!

    Students have a quiz on pictographs and bar graphs on Tuesday, 01/13/2015 in shaa Allah.

    Students sat on the carpet at the end of the day and showed their snake signs. 

    Quran: Tomorrow the Quran teacher will test students on surat Al-Burooj ayas 1 to 6 in shaa Allah. 

    Homework: Today students took a Math Pack with worksheets on pictographs and bar graphs to practice for Tuesday's quiz.

    Arabic Homework (Tr. Salam):

    السلام عليكم :
    نرحب بكم جميعا بعد العطلة ، آملين أن تكونوا جميعا بأحسن حال  .
    بعد عودة التلاميذ قمنا.. بالترحيب بهم ، اتاحة الفرصة لهم للتعبير عما فعلوه في الاجازة ، تم مراجعة الدرس الاخير من محور الوقت ( هيا نلعب )  ، بدأنا في تكملة التدريبات التابعة له  (توظيف صيغة "حسنا"في جمل صحيحة و كتابتها ، التدريب على تهجئة المسموع و كتابته (املاء )  ، هذاوسيتم الانتهاء من درس هيا نلعب بعد انجاز درس الخط التابع  له ، قريبا ان شاء الله . كما تم الحديث عن جوانب محددة في حياة رسولنا الكريم، وعمل بعض الانشطة الخاصة بذلك.
     و قبل البدء في وحدة جديدة سوف نقوم بمراجعة جميع  التراكيب والصيغ اللغوية و الفهم و الاستيعاب ...الخ، لجميع دروس الوحدة  وعمل تقويم للطالب بها .
    واجب املاء للاثنين الموافق 12 /1/2015 ان شاء الله في فقرة ( هيا نلعب)ص 92 .
    يمكنكم التواصل معي عبر الايميل :

    I hope you all have a great evening!

    Wednesday 7 January 2015


    Alsalamu Alaikum,

    Today we had a great day alhamdulilah!

    Ice Breaker: I would like to welcome Noorah to our class! We made a circle on the carpet and students took turns to say their names, one interesting fact about themselves and a sound pattern that we all copied.

    Language: Students worked together to make monsters and they wrote adjectives to describe the monsters.

    Science: Students are working on making a Venn diagram comparing reptiles to amphibians.

    Library: We went to the library and students borrowed books.

    Math: Students wrote the different things they learned about probability.

    Gym: We played Freeze Tag!

    Islamic studies:  We read the story about how the Prophet (SAW) taught the man to pray. Students answered questions in their "I Love Islam" workbooks about khoosho.

    Reading: Students sat on the carpet and Mariam G. started reading us a story about Rapunzel.

    I hope you all have a wonderful evening!

    Tuesday 6 January 2015

    Classwork and Homework

    Alsalamu Alaikum,

    Today we had a wonderful day alhamdulilah!

    Language: Students sat on the carpet and were asked to think, pair and share different nouns, adjectives and verbs. They went back to their places and completed a worksheet where they sorted words by putting them under NOUNS, VERBS or ADJECTIVES.

    We revised blends with "L" and "R". Students came up with different blends and we wrote them on the chalk board. We started Lesson 14, Blends with "S" and we completed pages 57 and 58 in our spelling books.

    In shaa Allah on Monday, 01/12/2015, students will have a spelling quiz on the list words in lessons 13 and 14 (blends with "L", "R" and "S").

    Reading: Students sat on the carpet and read quietly.

    Math: Students gave examples of events that were certain, possible and impossible. They also completed a probability worksheet.

    We watched a video explaining the difference between greater and less than. We played a game where we compared numbers.

    Social Studies: We finished labeling our CASTLE MAP by drawing the different legends.

    Homework: Complete spelling book pages 59 and 60 and start studying the list words in lessons 13 and 14 for Monday's spelling quiz.

    Monday 5 January 2015

    Classwork and Homework

    Alsalamu Alaikum,

    Welcome back to school! I hope you all had a great winter break!

    Today we had an awesome day alhamdulilah!

    Ice Breaker: Students sat on the carpet and they described their winter break using adjectives. We played Pictionary where students took turns to draw a picture on chart paper about their winter break and the class had to guess what it was. We had lots of fun!

    Writing: Students wrote sentences about how they spent their winter break. They included adjectives and drew a picture of themselves during the winter break. We drank jitter juice while we were writing!

    Math: Students completed a probability worksheet where they read sentences and pasted them under certain or impossible.

    Science: We played a game where the student who caught the ball had 5 seconds to say characteristics of reptiles. We watched a video about amphibians, read Frogs and Toads on Razkids and did the quiz about the book as a class.

    Gym: We played hockey and dodge ball.

    Islamic Studies: Students sat on the carpet and we started unit C, lesson 4, I Am Seven, I Pray the Right Way.

    Quran: Study surat Al- Borooj ayas 1 to 6.

    Reminders: The winter pack and book chain are due on Monday, 01/12/2015.

    Have a wonderful evening in shaa Allah!