Monday 19 January 2015

Classwork and Homework

Alsalamu Alaikum,

Today we had a great day alhamdulilah!

Spelling: Students wrote their spelling quiz and the bonus was always, enjoy and stray. Today students got to check each other's work after we talked about some rules that must be followed when doing so. Masha'Allah they did a great job and had lots of fun!

We started lesson 16, Y as a Vowel. Students learned the new list words and they answered questions in their spelling books.

Math: We completed page 37 in our math books.

Science: We started our new unit in Science today. We talked about what matter is. Students got to explore different textures of matter in the class and they completed a worksheet about matter.

Gym: We went to the gym and played Giant Soup!

  • Math book page 37 (Home connection)
  • Spelling book page 68.
  • If you have not sent the assessment folder, please do so tomorrow.
I hope you all have a wonderful evening in shaa Allah!