Sunday 31 May 2015

Thursday and Friday's Work

Alsalamu Alaikum,

We had a wonderful time on Thursday and Friday alhamdulilah!

Biography Projects: Ziad, Mahmoud, Raima, Rhiyan and Khalil presented their projects, and masha'allah they did an excellent job!

 Reading/ Writing: Each student read a book and wrote a summary using SWBST. Then they each got to choose another book and write the main idea.

 Math: Students completed practice worksheets on fractions.

 Social Studies:  Students took turns to share the different celebrations in Canada they had researched, and we discussed them. We completed a worksheet where students listed the celebrations they learned about and when and why they are celebrated.

Homework pack due on Thursday.
Test on Surah Al-Mutaffifin on Monday June 1st .

Have a great Sunday!

Wednesday 27 May 2015

Classwork, Reminders and Homework

Alsalamu Alaikum,

Today we had a great day alhamdulilah!

Biography Projects: Omar, Dana and Luay presented their projects, and masha'allah they did a fabulous job!

Writing: Today we had free writing where students chose a topic to write about (informative, persuasive or entertaining) in their journals.

Math: Students drew different shapes on their whiteboards, and showed different fractions.
We also played fraction bingo!

Science: We are learning about simple machines. Today we learned more about wedges and pulleys. We completed a worksheet about the machines as a class.

Social Studies: We talked about some of the celebrations that are celebrated in Canada, and when and why they are celebrated.

Homework: Write three celebrations that are celebrated in Canada, and find out when and why they are celebrated to share with the class tomorrow.

In shaa Allah Dress Like a Professional Day for the grade 2s will be on Friday. Grade 2 students are expected to come in their school uniforms tomorrow in shaa Allah. 

I hope you have a great evening in shaa Allah!

Tuesday 26 May 2015

Classwork, Reminder and Homework

Alsalamu Alaikum,

Today we had a great day alhamdulilah!

Biography Projects: Today Uzair, Ryan and Bassil presented their projects and masha'Allah they did a wonderful job!

Language: We listened to the audio "Henry's Freedom Box" and students compared their life style and culture to that of the book.

Math: We completed page 246 in our math books where students determined fractions of a set. We also completed a fraction worksheet.

Islamic Studies: We read unit E, chapter 5, where we learned more about Masajid.

Homework: Complete the fraction worksheet.

  • We are going to the Museum of Civilization this Thursday. If you have not sent the trip form, make sure you send it to school tomorrow in shaa Allah.
I hope you have a lovely evening in shaa Allah!

Monday 25 May 2015

Classwork, Quran Homework and Reminders

Alsalamu Alaikum,

Today we had a lovely day alhamdulilah!

Biography Projects: Zaina and Jasmin presented their projects, and masha'Allah they both did a great job!

Language: We listened to the audio "The Empty Pot", and students summarized the story using SWBST.

Math: Today we learned FRACTIONS. We learned that a fraction is a part of a whole, and we watched a video where we explored different fractions. We also completed two online quizzes as a class on fractions, and we completed pages 244 and 245 in our math books.

Science: We revised simple machines. Students were reminded of what a simple machine is and they gave examples of different simple machines. Today we learned about levers, and we explored different levers, and got to see the different positions of a fulcrum on different levers. Students also completed a worksheet on levers.

Health: We talked about the importance of always staying clean and organized, and students organized and cleaned their desks today.

Quran Homework: Practice Surah Al-Mutaffifin Ayahs 32 to 36.

  • We are going to the Museum of  Civilization on Thursday in shaa Allah. Please sign the form and send it to school tomorrow. 
  • Since we will be going on a field trip on Thursday, the 2As and 2Bs will have their Spirit Day on Friday in shaa Allah. 

I hope you have a fabulous day!

Sunday 24 May 2015

Friday's Classwork

Alsalamu Alaikum,

We had a great day on Friday alhamdulilah!

Biography Projects: Juri, Maya and Khadeeja presented their projects, and masha'Allah they did a wonderful job! Way to go!

Language: Students had a pop quiz where they read two texts and were to find the main idea and supporting details.

Math: Students had a multiplication pop quiz where they found the product using arrays, repeated addition and by grouping.

Science: We watched a video on simple machines (levers, inclined planes, wheels and axles, wedges, screws and pulleys) We also completed a worksheet on the different types of simple machines.

Art: We did free art on Friday! Masha'Allah we were so creative!

DRA (Development Reading Assessment): Tr. Naaz and I started the second DRA last week. In shaa Allah we will be done assessing all the students by next week.

Homework: Homework pack is due on Thursday.

Reminders: There is no spelling quiz on Monday.

Enjoy the rest of your day and every day in shaa Allah!

Thursday 21 May 2015

Classwork and Homework

Alsalamu Alaikum,

Today we had a wonderful day alhamdulilah!

Biography Projects: Today Hilal and Hamza presented their biography projects and masha'Allah they both did a great job!

Language: Students completed a preposition worksheet.

Math: Students used different strategies to multiply on the whiteboard, and they completed a worksheet where they read word problems and wrote the multiplication sentences.

Students also worked in pairs to draw aliens, and write multiplication sentences about the aliens' body parts.

Science: We watched a great video on pulls and pushes where we learned about position, motion and friction. We did two online quizzes as a class.

Islam Studies: Students sat on the carpet, and Zaina read about more Masajid around the world. Students took turns to answer questions about the different Masajid around the world, and we said the duaas of entering and exiting the Masjid as a class.

We also went to the French Cafe'!

Homework: Students wrote their homework in their agendas.

I hope you all have a lovely evening in shaa Allah!

Wednesday 20 May 2015

Classwork and Homework

Alsalamu Alaikum,

Today we had a wonderful day alhamdulilah!

Biography Projects: Yesterday and today Mariam G, Alia, Taha, Maryam E and Rayanne presented their projects and masha'allah they all did a great job!

Language: Today students learned to summarize using SWBST (someone, wanted, but, so, then).
We listened to the book "Pinkalicious" and we summarized the story as a class using SWBST.

Math: Yesterday we learned the properties of 1 and 0 in multiplication, and today we learned doubles in multiplication, equal groups and multiplying by 10

Students completed a multiplication math worksheet. 

Gym: We went to the public park for gym class today! Students played soccer and on the play structure. 

Islamic Studies: We answered questions in our I Love Islam workbooks about the different Masajid and the parts of a Masid (Qubbah, Manarah, Minbar,Mihrab, Musalah)

  • Complete multiplication worksheets. 
  • Practice Surah Al-Mutaffifin Ayahs 26 to 31.

I hope you all have a wonderful day in shaa Allah!

Sunday 17 May 2015

Friday's Classwork and Reminders

Alsalamu Alaikum,

I hope you are all enjoying this beautiful weather!

We had a great day on Friday alhamdulilah!

Islamic Studies: We learned about Masajid around the world, Unit D, Lesson 3. We read the duaa we say when entering and exiting the Masid.

Language: Students read three short texts, and found the main idea in each text and the supporting details.

Students sat on the carpet, and we went over the biography project expectations (template, paragraphs, picture, presentation).

Math: Students completed a word problem multiplication worksheet, and they started working on a multiplication flap book (finding the product using repeated addition and arrays).

Science: We wrote our Air and Water test on Friday.

Classdojo Party: We played in the park with the 2Bs. We also had popsicles and cupcakes :)

  • Students have a spelling quiz, lesson 35, Homonyms on Tuesday.
  • Work on your biography project.
  • If you have not received the biography details, schedule and rubric, please email me.
  • Grade 6 will be having a popcorn sale on Tuesday, 05/19. Cost ranges from 50 cents to $1.50.
Have a lovely day!

Thursday 14 May 2015

Classwork and Homework

Alsalamu Alaikum,

Today we had a wonderful day alhamdulilah!

Writing: We sat on the carpet, and talked about the different community helpers we got to meet yesterday. Students went back to their places and wrote about their favourite community helper.

Math: We watched a video showing how to multiply using arrays. We did two online quizzes as a class, I wrote multiplication sentences on the board, and students found the product on their whiteboards using arrays.

Science: We had a lot of fun playing Jeopardy to revise our unit on Air and Water in the Environment.

Homework: Write three multiplication sentences, and find the product using pictures, repeated addition, and arrays.

Reminders: Students have a science test tomorrow.

Have a great evening in shaa Allah!

Wednesday 13 May 2015

French Cafe' (Tr. Said)

Dear Parents,

Assalam Alaikum,

As part of our French curriculum, the grades 6 students are hosting a French Café (called Café De France) c’est on Thursday May 21, 2015 Insha’a Allah for all students.
 We will be serving light snacks and drinks that we find, usually, in a French café like: sandwiches, café (coffee), crêpes (French pancakes), gâteau (cake) and biscuits (cookies).

Students from grade 6 will be waiters and servers.
Proceeds from the sale will be donated back to the school.
Help us make this event a success.

Welcome to Café de France!

 Jazakum Allah Kheiran,

 French head department 

Tuesday 12 May 2015

Classwork, Quran Homework and Reminder

Alsalamu Alaikum,

Today we had a nice day alhamdulilah!

Language: Today we completed a worksheet on homophones. 

Guided Reading: Tr. Naaz joined us, and we had our guided reading session. Today students who were doing the guided reading with Tr. Naaz and me, read about communities, and we found the main idea in each paragraph. Other groups read independently, and did some activities. 

Math: Today we started learning about Multiplication. We learned different strategies to multiply by grouping, repeated addition and arrays. 

Students watched a video about adding by repeated addition, and we completed two online quizzes as a class on multiplication. 

We completed pages 238, 239 and 340. We also had lots of fun using bingo markers to multiply using arrays. 

Science: We finished our experiment about bouncing balls. 

Islamic Studies: We talked about some of the mosques we've been to, and how beautiful they are. In shaa Allah this week we will be learning about mosques around the world. 

Quran Homework: Practice Surah Al-Mutaffifin Ayah 18 to 25.

Tomorrow is Community Day!

Have a wonderful evening in shaa Allah! 

Monday 11 May 2015


Alsalamu Alaikum,

Today we had a wonderful day alhamdulilah!

Spelling: Students wrote their spelling quiz, lesson 30 (revision). Today we learned about homonyms, lesson 35. We watched a video about homonyms, and students answered questions in their spelling books.

Math: Students had a pop quiz on measuring lengths, and finding the perimeter and area of different shapes.

Gym: Today we had a great time playing tennis with Matt in the gym!

Science: We talked about how different objects move in different ways. Today we started an experiment to find out which ball (tennis, golf or sponge) would bounce the highest. Students wrote what they think will happen (hypothesis), the equipment needed for our experiment (balls, meter ruler, tape), students worked in groups to see which ball would bounce the highest, and they recorded what we did (procedure). In shaa Allah tomorrow students will record their results.

I hope you have a great evening!

Sunday 10 May 2015

Last's Week Update and Important Reminders

Alsalamu Alaikum

We had a great week last week alhamdulilah!

 Language:  We have been learning how to find the main idea and supporting details in a fiction and non fiction text. 

Math: Last week, we started a new unit, Mass and Capacity. We watched videos showing the capacity and mass of different containers/objects and learned  how to measure by completing pages in our math book.

Science: We started a new unit in Science called "Movement". In this unit students will 
  • Investigate and describe different kinds of movement (e.g., by observing how toys and other everyday objects move) 
  • Investigate the structure and function of simple machines.
  • identify the six basic types of simple machines – lever; inclined plane; pulley; wheel and axle, including gear; screw; and wedge – and give examples of ways in which each is used in daily life to make tasks easier.
Social Studies: Students watched an informative video about different communities around the world and then as a class, we discussed the similarities and differences between our community and those communities. Students also learned about urban and rural communities and completed a worksheet where they wrote down the similarities and differences between them.

Art: Students learned what a horizon line is and what one point perspective is. They made a landscape with different types of lines and one vanishing point. Then, they used coloured markers and oil pastels to finish their drawing on sketch paper, They all did a wonderful job, MashaAllah!


May Du'aa: Please help your child to memorize the following dua:

أَسْأَلُكَ حُبَّكَ، وَحُبَّ مَنْ يُحِبُّكَ، وَحُبَّ عَمَلٍ يُقَرِّبُنِي إِلَى حُبِّكَ اللَّهُمَّ  

Allāhumma as’aluka Hubbak wa Hubba man yuHibbuk, wa Hubba `amalin yuqaribunee elaa Hubbik

“O Allah, I ask You for Your love, the love of whomever You love, and of the deeds that bring one nearer to Your love"


  • Spelling quiz on Monday (Lessons 25-29)
  • Tennis Lesson for grade 2A on Monday (period 6).
  • Science quiz on ``Air and Water in the Environment`` on Friday. Practice sheet for the test is in the homework pack.
  • Homework pack is due on Friday.

Have a great Sunday!

Tuesday 5 May 2015

Classwork and Homework

Alsalamu Alaikum,

Today we had a wonderful day alhamdulilah!

Language: Students had a grammar (tenses) and comprehension pop quiz.

Guided Reading: Tr. Naaz joined us and we had guided reading today.

Math: We revised how to find the area of a shape, and students were assigned homework to draw their dream house, and find the area of each room.

Today we started our new unit, Mass and Capacity. We watched a video showing the capacity of different containers, and we learned about different units of measurement (cups, pints, quarts, gallons). We completed pages 256 and 257 in our math books. 

Dream House worksheet.

Tomorrow is clean the capital day! In shaa Allah we will be cleaning the school yard from 10:55 to 11:35. 

I hope you have a great evening!

Monday 4 May 2015

Classwork and Homework

Alsalamu Alaikum,

Today we had a great day alhamdulilah!

Computer Lab: We went to the computer lab, and students wrote an acrostic poem about friends on a word document. 

Language: We read a comprehension "Hyperbole Cafe", and students answered the questions.
Students wrote their spelling quiz (Lesson 29), and the bonus was to write a sentence that uses hyperbole (An exaggerated phrase used in writing that is not meant to be taken literally.) 

Students completed lesson 30 (revision) in their spelling books.

Math: We revised how to find the perimeter and area of an object, and students started working on a worksheet where they found the perimeter and area of different shapes.

Gym: We went outside today for gym class. Students played on the play structure, and we had a sand building competition.   

Science: We played Jeopardy to revise Matter and Air and Water. students had a lot of fun playing the game!


  • Tomorrow is Toonie Tuesday.
  • Grade 6 is having a used book sale tomorrow.
  • Complete the math worksheet.
  • Complete lesson 30 in the spelling book. 
Quran Homework:  Practice Surah Al-Mutaffifin Ayah 12 to 17.

Tr. Salam's Homework:

واجب اللغة العربية للغد الثلاثاء 5/5 ان شاء الله :

تكملة حل ص 51 للطالب الذي لم ينته من عملها في الفصل .      جزاكم الله خيرا 

Have a lovely evening in shaa Allah!

Friday 1 May 2015

Classwork and Important Reminders

Alsalamu Alaikum,

Today we had a great day alhamdulilah!

Science: Students finished working on their water, wind and wood cycle mini projects, and they took turns to present their work.

Math: Yesterday we learned that the area is the distance inside the shape. We watched a video showing the area of different places, and students used snap cubes to find the area of books. 

Today we completed page 206 in our math books where students chose a shape to cover a rectangle, and they wrote the area.

Art/Math: Students made robots, and they found the area of the head, body and legs. Then they wrote the area of the whole robot. They did a great job masha'Allah!

Language: Students wrote an acrostic poem about spring. 


  • Tuesday is Toonie Tuesday.
  • Students have a spelling quiz on Monday (Lesson 29)
  • Homework pack is due on Thursday. 
  • Your child has a Biography Project. In shaa Allah you will be emailed the project details. The biography template and rubric are in this week's homework pack. Please DO NOT have your child start working on the project yet. 
I hope you all have a wonderful weekend!