Tuesday 29 September 2015

Today's Classwork, Homework and Reminders

Assalamu Alaikum,

Today we had a lovely day alhamdulilah!

Carpet Time: We sat on the carpet and students described how they felt in Eid and some of the fun activities they got to do.

Reading: We went over the I Chart for Read to Self, students took their book boxes and read quietly. Masha'Allah students are doing a great job maintaining stamina. Today we maintained stamina for 14 minutes! Way to go 2A!

Spelling: We completed lesson 3 in our spelling books where we learned words with the short vowels a and i.

Math: Students took turns saying different patterns using different attributes (sound, size, colour, letters...etc). We defined patterns and cores. Then, they completed page 2 in their math books where they drew patterns and answered questions about patterns. They also drew different types of patterns on their whiteboards (AB, ABC, ABCD, AAB, ABB)


  • Complete lesson 3 in your spelling book.
  • Students have a spelling quiz tomorrow on lesson 2, The list words are: let, his, had, ask, old, took, also, sat, fell, get 
  • Please sign your child's agenda.
  • Tomorrow is the deadline to submit the milk forms.
  • Today students took home a trip form, and the deadline to submit the form is Friday, 10/02/2015.
I hope you all have a great evening isA. 

Monday 28 September 2015

Great Field Trip and Spelling Quiz Postponed to Wednesday

Assalamu Alaikum,

Alhamdulilah today we had a fabulous time at Midway! Eid Mubarak to you all!

In shaa Allah the spelling quiz, lesson 2, will be on Wednesday and not tomorrow.

Have a great evening in shaa Allah!

Wednesday 23 September 2015

Tuesday and Wednesday's Classwork and a Welcome Back Message from Tr. Nancy

Assalamu Alaikum,

We had a wonderful day today and yesterday alhamdulilah!

Spelling: We did lesson 2 in our spelling books on consonants.

Reading: Students have been working on maintaining stamina during read to self, and masha'allah we are doing a good job!

Math: We are learning about patterns. We learned that the repeated part in a pattern is called a CORE or a UNIT. We also learned different types of patterns (AB, ABC, ABCD, ABB, AAB...etc)

We played "Catch the ball where students who caught the ball had to say a pattern, and we completed 2 pages in our math books. ISA next week your child will be taking home his/her math book.

Hajj Craft: Students finished making their mobile hajj crafts.

Eid Craft: We coloured pictures of children, cut out balloons, letters, and stars to decorate our Eid board. Students also had  lots of fun making Eid cards.

Islamic Studies: Students sat on the carpet, and I read "Allah's Best Friend".

Gym: We went to the public park today and played on the play structure.


  • We are going to Midway to celebrate Eid on Monday, 09/28/2015, please make sure your child is dressed comfortably. 
  • The deadline to submit the milk form is 09/30/2015.
  • Students have a spelling quiz on Tuesday 09/29/2015 on lesson 2. The list words are: let, his, had, ask, old, took, also, sat, fell, get 
I hope you have a wonderful Eid! Eid Mubarak everyone!  

Welcome Back Message from Tr. Nancy

Dear Parents,

Assalamu Alaikum


Nancy-Ann Brethour

Monday 21 September 2015

Today's Classwork and Reminders

Assalamu Alaikum,

Today we had a wonderful day alhamdulilah!

Library: We went to the library today, and Tr. Nancy showed the class where to find the names of the author and illustrator in a book. Students also learned that the page with the title in it is called the Title Page. Each student got a book, and they took turns to show Tr. Nancy the author and illustrator of the book.

Islamic Studies: Students sat on the carpet and they took turns to share some of the good deeds they did over the weekend. Each student wrote a good deed he or she did over the weekend, and we went to post them on the Good Deed Board in front of the gym.

Spelling: Students wrote their spelling quiz.

Math: We started our first unit today in math on PATTERNS. Today we talked about how a pattern is repeated, the different attributes we have when making a pattern (colour, shape, size..etc), students took turns to say different patterns, and we completed a pattern worksheet.

Read to Self: We went over the I CHART for Read to Self, students took their book boxes and read quietly.


  •  Today students took home a milk form (due date to fill and send the form is Sep 30)
  • Students also took home a Trip for (due date is Wednesday,23/19/2015)
  • Donate to help Syria.
Have a great evening!

Wednesday 16 September 2015

Wednesday's Classwork and Reminders

Assalamu Alakium,

Today we had a great day alhamdulilah!

Language: We started off our day by talking about our feelings. Students also picked a continent to name their group, and in shaa Allah we will be starting Class Dojo group points! 

Today we learned that nouns are naming words (Things, People, Places and Animals). Students took turns to say a noun and we watched a video explaining what nouns are. 

We completed a monster worksheet where we put nouns in the monster's mouth, wrote sentences and circled the nouns. 

Reading: We went over our I Chart, students took their book boxes and read quietly. Ask your child about The Stamina Chart and how long we maintain stamina each day :) 

Math: We played a game about math facts, and students worked independently on their math packs. 

Islamic Studies: We watched a video about Prophet Ibrahim (SAW) and the Kabbah. 

Today we counted the money we are collecting for The Syrian Refugee Campaign and masha'Allah so far we collected $700.30! We can do this! Encourage your child to also donate money from his or her allowance.

Gym: We went to the gym and played Green Light/ Red light and Pizza.

  • Tomorrow is the Hajj Workshop. Your child should come in or bring a jilbab/thawb.
  • Donate to help our Syrian sisters and brothers.
  • List words for Monday's spelling quiz are: fox, cut, hill, wind, put, all, moon, saw, tell, new
  • Don't forget to check Class Dojo to see the points your child collected and more!
  • Remind your child to colour a stone each day in the Good Deed Chart! 
I hope you all have a lovely evening!

Tuesday 15 September 2015

Tuesday's Classwork and Important Notes

Assalamu Alaikum,

Today we had a great day alhamdulilah!

Islamic Studies: Students sat on the carpet and we talked about some of Allah's creations. Each student took a turn to say one of Allah's creation that amazes him or her.
We discussed the story we read yesterday of Prophet Ibrahim and the idols.

We learned that good deeds are very important in the blessed days we are in now. We discussed some of the many blessings we have and how we could help the Syrian refugees. Students watched videos showing how the people in Syria are living.

They worked in groups to make I Charts showing the blessings they have and how we can help make the lives of the Syrians better by paying Sadaqa. Masha'Allah they all did a great job!

Math: We played a game called " Catch the Ball" about some math facts (addition, subtraction, telling the time, shapes, coins and patterns)

Students went back to their places and worked independently on a math pack.

Reading: We went over the I Chart for reading to Self, students took their book boxes and read quietly. We have a Stamina Chart in class where we record the number of minutes we maintain stamina everyday.

Gym: Today students took turns to race each other in the gym. It was a lot of fun!

Important Notes:
  • Today students took home their Classdojo login information. Your child can get and lose points on Classdojo. I will be sending pictures of activities we do in class, and it is also a great way to always be updated on your child's progress!
  • They also took home "The 10 days of Dhul-Hijjah's Good Deed Chart" where they should keep track of the good deeds they do and colour one stone at the end of each day.
  • In shaa Allah students will have a spelling quiz every Monday. We completed the first lesson in our spelling book, and in shaa Allah on Monday there will be a spelling quiz on the list words in lesson 1.
  • If your child does not have indoor shoes, please make sure you bring them as soon as possible.
Today students took home a form where you can donate to help the Syrian Refugees. 

I hope you have a great evening!

Monday 14 September 2015

Today's Classwork

Assalamu Alaikum,

We had a wonderful day today alhamdulilah!

Library: We went to the library where Tr. Nancy read us "Our Librarian Won't Tell Us Anything" and she talked to us about the library rules.

Read to Self: After going over our I Chart which states the expectations when reading to self (start right away, stay in one spot, read the whole time, maintain stamina), students took their book boxes and started reading to self.

Spelling: Students took their spelling books today, and we completed our first lesson (Consonants).

Math: We played a math game where I threw the ball and the student who caught it had to solve a math problem.

Islamic Studies: Today we read Unit A, Chapter 4, My God is My Creator. Students took turns to state some of Allah's creations. We learned the story of prophet Ibrahim (SAW) and the idols.

Quran Homework: Practice the first two ayas of  Surat Al-Bayyinah.

EMBRACE SYRIA-MAC NATIONAL CAMPAIGN: Today in assembly Dr. Saleem talked to us about how important it is to put a smile on the faces of our brothers and sisters in Syria. In class we talked about how hard the situation in Syria has become, how the people are suffering, and how they are in need of our help.

  • If you have not sent the allergy and consent forms to school with your child, please make sure you do so tomorrow.
  • Please email me at helshayeb@abraarschool.com, so I can update my contact list.
I hope you all have a wonderful evening in shaa Allah!

Wednesday 9 September 2015

Second day of School!

Assalamu Alaikum,

We had a wonderful day today alhamdulilah!

Reading: Students sat on the carpet and I read "How I Spent my Summer Vacation". Students took turns and shared with their peers how they spent their Summer vacation.They went back to their places and drew pictures in sunglasses of some of the lovely places they visited and great things they did!

IPICK: One significant theme mentioned throughout Daily 5 Reading and Literacy CAFE is teaching students to pick “good fit” books. An important part of becoming a successful independent reader is being able to choose “good fit” books.Today we talked about how to choose a good fit book.We used an acronym " IPICK" and discussed each letter in detail.Then students took turns to go book shopping from the class Library.Each child has an individual book bin to keep their books. Ask your child about IPICK and book shopping, and see what he or she has to say!

                                          I PICK Good Fit Books
I choose a book
Purpose – Why do I want to read it?
Interest – Does it interest me?
Comprehend – Am I understanding what I read?
Know – Do I know most of the words?

At the end of the day we went to the playground!

  • Show and Tell "All About Me Bag" due tomorrow!
  • Please email me at helshayeb@abraarschool.com, so I can update my contact list.
Have a great evening!

Tuesday 8 September 2015

Welcome to Grade 2A!

Back To School Clip Art
Assalamu Alaikum,

It was truly a pleasure getting to meet my second graders today! Masha''Allah they are a wonderful group and I can't wait to get to know them more!

Today we had a lovely day alhamdulilah where we did some ice breakers, made name tents, read books and came up with the class rules as a class.

Please find the Welcome letter and the Daily 5 letter with your child.

Homework: Show and Tell "All About Me Bag" is due on Thursday.

Please email me at helshayeb@abraarschool.com, so I can update my contact list.

Looking forward to a great year in shaa Allah!

Have a fabulous evening!

