Thursday 25 April 2013

A Message from Abraar Librarian

Dear Parents,

Assalamu Alaikum
I have come across a very interesting article about children and technological devices. To access the article, click here.

Have a great day, inshaAllah.


Weekly Preview

As-Salamu Aleikum dear parents,

Science: In the animal kingdom unit of Science students completed mammals, birds, insects and reptiles. They are learning all about amphibians and fish this week.

Language Arts: Students will learn how to summarize a passage. We will practice identifying the most important events in a story and putting them into sequence.
Grammar: Students are learning all about verbs.

Math: We started a new unit in math on Data Management. Students will be learning about probability and how to organize data into bar graphes.

Gym: Students are continueing learning various activities in gymnastics such as log rolls, somersaults, bridge and head stands. They are learning about safety on the mats and helping each other in spotting. We also talked about weather safety.

Art: Students created beautiful art mosaics. We posted them up in the class.

Social Studies: We have focused on Science this week.

Islamic Studies: Students learned about Prophet Adam (alayisalam) last week. This week they are learning about Prophet Nuh (alayisalam).

Wednesday 24 April 2013

Spelling Words for Spelling Test - Tuesday April 30th

As-Salamu Aleikum wa Rahmatullah,

here are the spelling words for next weeks spelling test. I will do my best to always post them on the blog as I notice some students hand in their homework early and so may not have the list on hand.

1. rule         6. true    
2. use          7. grew
3. tune         8. few
4. mule        9. you
5. due         10. cute

Bonus: usually

Spelling Bee a Success!

As-Salamu Aleikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuhu Dear Parents,

Al-humdulilah the spelling was a success. I will give the list for May out shortly and insha'Allah we'll have even more participants!

The winners were:

1. Sajid Abdullah
2. Rameen Rana
3. Muhammad Noor
4. Lamees Al-Sharif
5. Alperen Kilicaslan

Masha'Allah good job!

A Message from Tr. Salam

واجب اللغة العربية :   ( التمييز بين التاء و الطاء ، لفظا و كتابة )
املاء ليوم الجمعة الموافق 26/ 4 / 2013  ان شاء الله ، في الاتي :
   تحت الطاولة قط   -   أمطار   -   تطير   -    أمتار  -   طماطم   -  يترقب

Friday 19 April 2013

Message from School Librarian

Dear Parents,
Assalamu Alaikum
Have you read great children’s or young adults books lately? If you have, I would like to hear about it; I am sure that other parents would like to hear about it, too
Every week, I post book recommendations on the school library website. If you would like to include your recommendations on the library website, please email me your book review at
I look forward to hearing from you.
Happy Reading!

Monday 15 April 2013

A Message from Tr. Salam and the Arabic Teachers

مهرجان اللغة العربية السنوي السابع

تتشرف أسرة اللغة العربية بمدرسة الأبرار بدعوة سيادتكم لحضور مهرجان اللغة العربية السنوي السابع وذلك في تمام الساعة  :    9:30 صباحا

اليوم     :    الاربعاء 17 / 4 / 2013

المكان   :    ملعب المدرسة

حضوركم يزيدنا تشريفا ويزيد أبناءنا تشجيعا، فتعالوا نشاهد أبناءنا يقدمون أفضل ما لديهم من أنشطة فنية وأدبية.

Abraar School Seventh Arabic Annual Festival
Arabic language staff at Abraar School cordially invites you to its 7th annual Arabic Festival.

When:Wednesday 17/ 4 / 2013 (9:30 AM)

Where: School gym

Come and watch your children (Arabic speakers and non-speakers) perform their best.

A Message from Tr. Amal

Dear parents,  Asalamu Alikum


We completed the unit about "The fall and The Spring" . The students learned some vocabulary about nature and weather.    They also learned the names of the colors, we did many drills and activities related to the lesson.   Now, we will begin a new lesson about (The Zoo ) the students will learn the name of the animals in Arabic using pictures and flash cards.   They will be making a booklet on animals.



Thank you for your cooperation.


Tr. Amal                   

A Message from Tr. Samia

Quran: Update from Tr. Samia


Alhamdullah we have just had a test on all of Surat Al.Mutafefin. This test was on Tajweed rules, reading rules and memorization of the whole surah. I sent a Quran rubric of this test with your child, please sign it . We will start reciting and memorizing surat Alinfitar Insha Allah.To practice Quran with your child please use this website and go to Sheik Ibrahim Alakhadar:  



Congratulations to the best memorizers  and reciters of the month of March


1.Mafaaz B.
2.Sarah H.
3.Leenah B.



Jazakum Allahu Khairan for your cooperation.


Tuesday 9 April 2013

A Message from Tr. Salam

واجب منزلي للاثنين 15/4 ( الصف الثاني الابتدائي )

سرد قصة ( أم الحمام) شفاهة

*المطلوب من الطالب : سرد قصة أم الحمام " ملخصة " ، التي درسها خلال درس القراءة ( الحمام ص 46 من الكتاب المقرر) غيبا ... وخلال السرد ، سيكون أمام الطالب لوحة مكتوب عليها الكلمات التالية كمساعدة له:  

- قالت ....................

- لا.............................

- سآتيكم .....................

--حذار .......................

- نسيت .....................

- ونزلت.....................                                                     

- أقبل  ....................

- رأته .....................

- جرى ......................

- عادت ..................


*سيتم تقويم الطالب على :

- صحة الجمل و المفردات اللغوية .

- وضوح الصوت ، و الاسترسال خلال السرد ، وعدم التردد أو التلعثم .

- اشتمال السرد جميع العناصر الرئيسية في القصة .

- وضع عنوان آخر مناسب للقصة .

ملاحظة ..

 *تم تدريب الطالب على ذلك في الفصل .

 *يمكن الاستفسار أو التواصل مع المدرسة، من خلال الايميل:                  

Monday 8 April 2013

Scholastic Book Fair Thursday and Friday April 11th and 12th

Dear Parents and Families,

Assalamu Alaikum

The Scholastic Book Fair is coming to our school this week! What better way to promote reading to our students than by supporting this important literary event.

We invite your entire family to participate by purchasing the latest and greatest in children’s books. Did you know that for every $10 you spend at the Fair up to $6 comes directly back to our school? Your support of this vital literary event is key in helping us obtain new books and resources for our library and classrooms.

You will find hundreds of quality books at our Book Fair with a wide assortment for all reading levels. On Monday, your child will be bringing home the Scholastic Book Fair flyer that provides a preview of only a FEW of the many books available to purchase at our Fair.

The flyer also contains a special Family Event Draw ballot that parents can deposit during our Family Event. You could win $50 in books – $25 for your family PLUS $25 for your child’s classroom!

Do not forget to mark the Book Fair dates on your calendar! We look forward to seeing you during our Scholastic Book Fair and thank you, in advance, for supporting this great literary fundraiser. Mostly, thank you for believing in books and the importance reading has on your child’s future.


Nancy-Ann Brethour
Book Fair Chairperson

Book Fair Dates: Thursday, April 11 and Friday, April 12, 2013
Times: 9:00 to 3:30 (both days)
Location:  School Library

We accept cheques made payable to our school. Visa, MasterCard and American Express are welcome, too.


A Message from the School Librarian

Dear Parents,

Assalamu Alaikum

The Scholastic Book Fair is coming to our school this week, and we invite you to come and share in this celebration of literacy with us!

Now more than ever, reading is vital to leading a better life. It is the door opener to the 21st century for all children. Knowing how to read is just the beginning. Motivating young people to KEEP READING, comprehend what they read and develop the ability to think creatively are the end goals.

Children need ACCESS to great books and the opportunity to CHOOSE what they want to read. Moreover, they need TIME for reading.

Scholastic Book Fairs has the books to motivate more reading. With your involvement, we can inspire children to practice reading and read more often. Together, we can make a difference in their lives that will last a lifetime.

One great way to ensure our children get started with reading and keep on reading all year long is with the Classroom Wish List program. We urge you to stop by the CWL display when you first arrive at the Fair. Take a moment to learn how purchasing books and donating them to your child’s classroom, can give little readers even greater ACCESS to the books they want to read by expanding existing classroom libraries.

We asked each teacher to fill-in her “book wish list” prior to the fair. Look for your child’s teacher’s name on the display. All teachers took great care in selecting the best and most appropriate books to meet their students’ reading levels and learning needs. It is their wish that these books become a permanent part of the classroom library. We will recognize every generous gift you make with a special bookplate, identifying your family or child as the donor.
We will display the Classroom Wish List at the book fair, so keep an eye out for it! Your support can help a classroom blossom with new and exciting adventures in reading, stimulating young minds for years to come.

We hope to see you at our Scholastic Book Fair. Together, we can raise readers!


Nancy-Ann Brethour
Book Fair Chairperson

Thursday 4 April 2013

Fun Interactive Math Website!

As-Salamu Aleikum Dear Parents and Students,
here is a fun and interactive website to practice your Math skills.
Simply go to
and click on Practice Online.
You can choose whether you want to do addition or subtraction, the number of questions and the time limit set for yourself.
Practice your Math skills and become Super Math All-Stars!

Re-Registration 2013/2014

The re-registration forms

(photocopied on blue paper)

were sent home!

Please take the time to fill in the re-registration form for 2013/2014 and return it by:

Friday, April 12th 2013 at 4:00 pm, the latest!!!

Jazakum-Allah kheir for your cooperation...

Wednesday 3 April 2013

Weekly Preview

As-Salamu Aleikum dear parents,

Science: In the animal kingdom unit of Science students completed the first group, mammals last week. They are learning all about birds this week.

Language Arts: Students are writing short storys for a class competition. They are writing the story in parts (setting, characters, beginning, etc.) and hanging the peices up on a hanger in the class. Grammar: Students are learning synonyms and antonyms.

Math: Students are working on addition with carry over.

Gym: As Monday's class was missed and Thursday is swimming we will play some fun motor skill games in gym  class.

Art: Students enjoyed creating beautiful birds in Art class yesterday. They will be on display shortly in the hallway for you to see.

Social Studies: We have focused on Science this week. Next week however the students will learn about citizenship (rights and responsibilities) and what it means to be a good citizen.

Islamic Studies: Students are creating a story board of the Seerah of the Prophet (PBUH). They have learnt about the time before Islam, the year of the elephant, the orphan boy, the marriage to Khadija and the miracles of the Prophet (PBUH).

Computers: Insha'Allah I will be demonstrating and letting the students explore in microsoft word more this week in the computer lab.

Swimming Thursday!

As-Salamu Aleikum,
Grade 2A will go for swimming this Thursday. We do need volunteers. Please let me know if you are able to volunteer.
Tr. A' isha

Tuesday 2 April 2013

A Message from Tr. Salam

واجب اللغة العربية : التمييز بين حرفي الغين و الخاء ( لفظا و كتابة )

املاء اختباري الخميس 4 / 4 /2013 ان شاء الله في :
ساخن   -    بليغ  -  غني  -   الغراب   -  أخبار  -  غابة  -  الغصن  -  يختفي