Tuesday 13 December 2016

A Message from Tr.Salam

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
السادة أولياء الامور الكرام
                     السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته ....
يستطيع الطالب الان استعارة قصة باللغة العربية من مكتبة المدرسة...... مع (جدول متابعة) ليسجل عليه الطالب اسم القصة  التي قرأها مع مدة القراءة بالدقيقة لكل مرة يقرأ بها جزء أو بضعة جمل أو صفحات منها مع توقيع ولي الامر ، و على الطالب اعادة القصة  الى المدرسة خلال أسبوعين من تاريخ استعارتها .....
فالرجاء :
*المحافظة على القصة و عدم اتلافها .
*تسليم القصة، و جدول المتابعة، داخل الكيس المخصص لهما في الوقت المحدد .   ( أسبوعان من تاريخ الاستلام ) .
*حث الطالب/ة على القراءة و تشجيعه عليها، و ذلك بأن تجلس معه على الاقل خمس مرات في الاسبوع لقراءة جزء من القصة ( عدة كلمات أو جمل أو صفحات)  وتستطيع مساعدةه على القراءة  بأن تقرأ له صفحة ثم تطلب منه قراءة و تهجئة بعض كلمات منها , أو قراءة جملة .... و هكذا .
*تفسير الكلمات الصعبة له، و التأكد من فهمه لما يسمع أو يقرأ، و ذلك بطرح أسئلة عليه خلال القراءة،  أوالطلب منه اعادة المواقف الرئيسية التي مرت به، و ماذا يتوقع بعد ذلك ... و هكذا .
*عدم التدقيق على الاخطاء البسيطة التي لا تؤثر على المعنى .
*التذكرة خلال القراءة بالكلمات التي تتكرر فيسهل على الطالب /ة قراءتها مرة أخرى .
* تقطيع الكلمات خلال القراءة  إلى مقاطع فيسهل قراءتها .        مثال : 
  - يلفظ كل حرف في الكلمة لوحده مشكلا ( سبح : س ب ح    – قفل :  ق ف ل ) .
- الحرف الساكن يلفظ كمقطع مع الحرف السابق له ( خبز -  خب . ز ) (مبخرة - مب . خ . ر . ة)
- كذلك حرف المد يلفظ كمقطع مع الحرف السابق له ( حصان – ح . صا . ن ) ( إبريق - إب .ري . ق ) ( طيور – ط . يو . ر ) .......  و قد تم تدريب الطالب /ة على ذلك خلال القراءة الحرة الجماعية في الفصل .
*اعادة قراءة القصة عدة مرات ، وعدم الاكتفاء بقراءتها مرة واحدة ، و ذلك للاستفادة.
*تسجيل ما يقرأ الطالب من القصة، و مدة القراءة التي استغرقها في كل مرة ، على جدول متابعة القراءة الحرة المرفق مع الطالب ، حتى يتسنى لنا تشجيعه و مكافأته عليها .  

                                                                            و جزاكم الله على حسن تعاونكم الدائم

Sunday 11 December 2016

Reminders and Updates

Aslaamu'alykum Dear Parents,

Math: Students measured and recorded distances around objects, including 3-D objects, using nonstandard and standard units.  They also worked on a minecraft perimeter activity and practiced measuring using a standard unit (cm). After reviewing what we've learned so far in measurement, students wrote a pop quiz on Friday to demonstrate their understanding.

Science/Language/Library: We have been working deligently on our Green Sea Turtle book assignment. We talked extensively about the life-cycle of these sea turtles and how they must make it on their own from birth. Students wrote down the stages and pasted the life-cycle picture right above their description.

Spelling: The test was taken up on Friday instead of Thursday due to the field trip. Afterwards students worked on a spelling practice review from lessons 7-11.

Islamic studies: We are nearly done compiling our wudu' booklets, students have yet to write the steps and paste them in order. Grade 4A students visited our class for a wudu' workshop on Friday during 5th period. 3 Grade 4A students were grouped off with 3 Grade 2A students. They prepared a wudu' skit and was observed by Tr.Dina. Grade 2 students had to point out their mistakes while they performed wudu' incorrectly. It was a very good learning experience for all, definitely achieved the purpose.

Gym: We played a whole lot of parachute games in gym last week. It was all about non-competitive teamwork, cooperation and having fun. The focus was to strengthen the shoulders, arms and hand muscles. We created light waves, ripples, made the parachute billow 3 times, jogged to the right and to the left while holding on to the parachute with one hand (coordination) and played an exciting game called cat and mouse.

Field trip: We had a wonderful time at the Canadian Museum of History last Thursday. Students first explored the First Nations exhibit; their culture and traditional items. Then we watched a documentary about the Great White Sharks at the imax theatre and learned a great deal more about these fascinating creatures. The students also really enjoyed playing at the children's museum- most definitely their favourite part of the trip.


- Please encourage your child to practice reading on Razkids for 20 mins everyday

- There was no homework pack sent out last week because the social studies project is already due on December 13th.

- Please remind your child to return their library books.

- Milk forms are due December 16th.

Wednesday 7 December 2016

A Message from Tr.Salam

Asalamu Alaikum

We finished  Surat Al- Ghashiyah.I am very happy with the active student participation during our Quran class. Thank you for following up with the students to do their homework.

We covered lessons 1, 2 and 3 from the Nourania style of Quran reading.

Below are three links video for lessons 1, 2  and 3 for the students to practice at home.

Tr. Salam

A Message from Tr.Salam

Asalamu Alaikum

We finished  Surat Al- Ghashiyah.I am very happy with the active student participation during our Quran class. Thank you for following up with the students to do their homework.

We covered lessons 1, 2 and 3 from the Nourania style of Quran reading.

Below are three links video for lessons 1, 2  and 3 for the students to practice at home.

Tr. Salam

Tuesday 6 December 2016

A Message from Tr.Said

Assalamu-Alaykum Dear parents,

We will be preparing a reading and writing French project. We will start the presentation on Monday, Dec20, 2016 Insha’Allah.  Your child will prepare one or two paragraphs related to the story (Petite Pauline) we learned in class using his /her own words. The students have to change the:

Title  ( le titre )
Name of characters (personnages)
The place ( where )
The time  (when )
The thing ( la bague )

I do require your full support, in order for this project to be a successful one. 
I would ask you to help your child understand the criteria in the two rubrics (reading & writing) and encourage him/her to read story you will find attached to this letter.

For those who might find the project challenging, I need your help to encourage them to constantly seek my assistance. I will give them more help.

Please feel free to contact me by email or directly if you have any concerns.

Jazakum Allah Kheir,

Teacher Said
French teacher coordinator

Sunday 4 December 2016

Updates and Reminders

Asalaamu'alykum Dear Parents,

Here are last week's updates.

Math: We have moved on from measuring and comparing lengths using nonstandard units to measuring in centimetres and meters (standard units). Students learned that centimetres and meters are metric units used to measure small and big objects. 10mm=1cm and 100cm=1m. They used their centimetre ruler to estimate, measure and record linear dimensions of small objects. And for larger objects they used metre sticks provided in class. For our next lesson we learned how to calculate the distance around an object or perimeter. Students were engaged in quite a few group activities throughout the week but worked independently as well.

Language: Last week students had the opportunity to demonstrate their understanding and correct usage of adjectives. They completed an adjectives' package in class and wrote 5 complete sentences in their journals using adjectives.

Spelling: The 10th spelling test was written on Thursday. For the next spelling lesson we learned about the long "e" vowel sound and worked on a few exercises individually. Spelling words for next week's test on Thursday, December 8th: feed, sea, meet, real, keep, week, deep, easy, beach, clean. 

BONUS: perimeter, reptile, turtle, responsible, measure

Gym: We had great fun in gym class last week. For starters they did their warm-up, which was to skip around the gym twice then I partnered them off for our next activity. One partner had to stand across from them on the other side of the gym. We played 4 variations of Meet-in-the-Middle where students had to run toward one another give each other high 5s and do a number of core exercises in the middle then run back. We moved onto play Team Rock/Paper/Scissors. In this game we had two teams and each had a captain who decided which sign they were going to throw (rock, paper or scissors). Once both teams threw their signs, the side that won had to chase the other and try to tag them so they could join their team. This game became an instant favourite! Finally students finished off with push-up position ABCs and a final stretch.

Science/Language/Library: Since Tr.Nancy has been teaching grade 2 students the different parts of books and what they consist of, we decided to incorporate science and language by creating our own book about Green Sea Turtles. Based on what they have been taught during their library sessions, students have started writing their table of contents, an introduction paragraph on green sea turtles, a fast fact, their diet and habitat. They were reminded to write complete sentences (capital letters at the beginning, punctuation marks at the end and express a complete thought). This assignment is an ongoing one that will include an art component.

Islamic Studies: Students worked in the islamic workbooks. As a review they completed several exercises independently on Prophet Adam, Habeel and Qabeel as well as Prophet Ibrahim. We discussed the hadith of the Prophet (saw) and the golden rule of what it means to want for your brother and sister what you would want for yourself. Students were encouraged to write 5 things they would want for their brothers and sisters. The most popular response was jannah.

Social Studies: On Friday, students received their first social studies project about communities. It is due on December 13th, 2016. Please refer to the handout/rubric for more details and information about the project.

Book Fair: There was a lot of hype surrounding the book fair last week, students had the opportunity to visit twice to browse and make their purchases. On the whole, they did a wonderful job following the guidelines and rules provided by Tr.Nancy and her amazing book fair crew!


Razkids: Please remind your children to practice reading comprehension for at least 20mins a day.

Fieldtrip Forms: Please sign and return the forms by December 7th, we will be going to the History Museum inshaAllah.

Milk Forms: If you would like to enroll your child in the milk program please sign and return the orange forms by December 16th, 2016.

I will also continue to return marked assignments, homework packs and tests next week inshaAllah.

JazakAllah khayr.