Sunday 25 September 2016

Milk forms!

Milk forms were sent home on Friday, September 23rd.  If you would like to enroll your child in the Milk program which runs from October to December, please remember forms are due back by Friday, September 30th.

Last Week's Updates

Asalaamu'alykum Parents and Guardians,

Below is a summary of the work covered last week from September 19th to September 24th.

Islamic Studies: Students listened to the story of Prophet Ibrahim (as) and learned what it means to put all your trust in Allah (swt). The concept of Creator, creation and idolatry was discussed. For our second session we looked at Eid around the world and explored the different ways in which it is celebrated in other countries. Students completed worksheets and questions related to both topics. 

Math: The unit Numbers 1-50 was introduced to students as a way to kick-start the year with understanding the basics: how do we use numbers? And what is their relevance? Students worked in groups and independently using mind maps to showcase their creativity on the topic. On friday we looked at place value; the difference between 1 digit and 2 digit numbers. Overall it was a challenging topic to grasp (which is very normal) so I decided next week I will backtrack and work our way up by looking at ordinal numbers first. 

Grammar: Students learned about nouns as well as common and proper nouns. We played the ABC nouns game in class, watched a video related to common and proper nouns and they were given worksheets for homework to help further their understanding.

Spelling: Students reviewed what consonants are (letters that are not vowels) in their spelling workbook and finished 3 activities using a list of words (fox, tell, wind, cut, put, new, saw, moon). Students must know how to spell these words because every week we will have a spelling quiz. Our first spelling quiz will be on Thursday, September 29th, inshaAllah. 

Reading: As a class students came up with different reasons why they think reading is important. We discussed the first component of the Daily 5 program "Read to Self" in which students try to maintain and build on their reading stamina. I then distributed their book bins and they added 5 books from the class library to them.

Social Studies: We joined grade 2B to watch videos on different celebrations and traditions around the world. We also discussed the different traditions and celebrations people have in Canada. Students shared their experiences as well. 

Developmental Reading Assessment (DRA): The reading coordinator, Tr.Hajer, and myself have been assessing students last week and should be completing all by the end of next week inshaAllah. 

Tuesday 13 September 2016

A friendly reminder...

As part of Eid celebration we have arranged a field trip for all students to FunHaven on Thursday, September 15th inshaAllah. If you haven't already signed and sent the field trip forms back please do so immediately.  

Also, it is important to note that without volunteers this trip will not be possible- we need atleast 5. If you know that you can definitely make it, please do let me know by tomorrow inshaAllah.  

JazakAllah khayr.

Welcome and Eid Mubarak!

Asalaamu'alykum dear Parents and Guardians,

Eid Mubarak to you and your loved ones, I pray you had a wonderful time celebrating.

As you may know by now I'm the new teacher on the block. My name is Anam Soofi and I will be teaching 2nd grade inshaAllah. I'm very excited to take on this role as I'm looking forward to a fun-filled year of learning and growing!

I would kindly urge you to watch this space for any kind of updates and notifications regarding classwork, homework, projects, activities, events and/or field trip information.

It is important to keep communication up between us so if you have any questions or concerns please don't hesitate to email me at and I will inshaAllah respond within 48 hours. If it's an urgent matter that needs to be addressed as soon as possible, please call the school number at (613) 226-1396.

I am looking forward to working with my new students this year. And I am also looking forward to working with you to help your child succeed inshaAllah.

