Tuesday 15 April 2014

Storybird - Reading and writing assignment

Assalamu Alaykom dear parents,

Today in our lab class, I have introduced the online student writing program known as Storybird
Storybird is a way for students to use professional illustrations from thousands of artists as a starting point for story writing. Each student in the class has an account that is registered under my name as the classroom teacher. When they publish stories, they are able to share them within the class and leave feedback for one another. I will also ask students to complete storybird assignments.
Some of my second graders found illustrations and started writing their own stories. There were a few glitches with some of the computers that need to be fixed, but it was wonderful to see everyone using this program for its intended purpose!

You can help your kids login and do their first assignment (read and retell Looking for Hope story). 
This assignment is due in 7 days in sha'Allah.
Their usernames and passwords are attached in the front page of their agendas. I have also asked them to choose a new password and to mark it on the same page.

Jazakom Allah khairan for your cooperation,

Tr. Merve 

Friday 11 April 2014

Student supplies

Dear Parents,

Hope all is well and everyone is in good health. I have noticed several students are coming into class unprepared. Majority of my students do not have a pencil or erasers. It is very essential for all students to come into class with a pencil and a eraser.  Please provide your child with needed supplies.

Thank you,


Math update

3- D Geometry

Dear Family,

In this unit, your child will be learning about 3-D objects, such as cubes, spheres, cylinders prisms and pyramids.

The learning goals for this unit to:

1. Describe, compare, and sort 3-D solids according to their attributes, such as whether they roll or stack, have curved or flat surfaces.

2. Use 3-d solids in constructions

3 Use language such as pyramid, prism, face, and edge to describe solids.

You can help your child achieve these goals by doing the home connection activities suggested at the bottom of selected pages.

Thank you,

Tr. Merve 

Tuesday 8 April 2014

science workshop - Friday April 25, 2014

Scientists In School 
Simple Machines for Grade Two

Dear Parents,

We will have a workshop on Friday April 25, 2014. The following information is regarding the workshop. If any parents will be volunteering, please send me an email to arrange it. I'm in need of 4 parent/volunteer. I'm looking forward to the workshop. :)

Thank you for booking the “Scientists in School” program, Move It, for your grade 2 class.  Your presentation will be on the morning of Friday, April 25th.

Please have all the students wear name tags printed large enough so that I may read them.  Please add the title ‘Scientist’ to their name since that is how I will address them.

Please arrange to have at least four adult volunteers, to help with the centres.  It would be appreciated if they could arrive about 20 minutes early so that I may explain the centre that each will be supervising.  It is imperative that we have an adult at each centre for the presentation to be successful. (I will be stationed at one of the centres.)

Please have a large Zip-Loc bag (or equivalent) available for each student. They will use these to store the items they collect from each station.

We will begin by talking about simple machines and how they make life easier for us.  The discussion will touch on the six simple machines:  inclined planes, levers, wedges, wheel and axel, and pulleys.  The students will then rotate through the five centres with 15-20 minutes spent in each.  Each of the five centres will represent one of the simple machines with the exception of pulleys.  We will not be experimenting with pulleys.  The session will end with a brief discussion on the students’ findings.

I look forward to spending an enjoyable morning with your class.  Please call or email me if you have any questions. 

Isabelle Tardif