Saturday 29 November 2014

Friday's Classwork

Alsalamu Alaikum,

Today we had a great day alhamdulilah!

Math: We completed page 127 in our Math books where students conducted a survey and showed the results using a tally chart and a bar graph.

Islamic Studies: We are learning about wudoo. Today we read a story in our Islamic text book about Ziad learning wudoo,

Art: We started making a flip book with the steps of wudoo.

Gym: We played Freeze Tag.

We had ice cream and watched a movie! We had a fabulous time alhamdulilah!

  • Spelling quiz on Monday: those, low, goat, own, coat, go, hope, sold, over, ago
  • Next Tuesday, 12/02/2014 is toonie Tuesday.
  • If you are still interested in ordering the mitten clips, send your order on Monday.
Have a wonderful weekend in shaa Allah!

Thursday 27 November 2014

Classwork and Homework

Alsalamu Alaikum,

Today we had a great day alhamdulilah!

Writing: Students wrote simple and compound sentences about yesterday's trip to the Museum of Nature. They were reminded to add adjectives to their sentences.

Math: We conducted a survey as a class and showed the results using a tally chart and a bar graph. Students also completed page 126 in their Math books.

Social Studies: Students had a quiz today about continents and oceans.

Science: Students sat on the carpet and Ryan read us a book about bugs. We learned a lot of interesting facts!

  • Math book page 126 (Home Connection)
  • Homework pack (due on Wednesday) 
  • French homework 
Please make sure you remind your child to check his/her agenda for homework every day and that you sign it. This is very important for students to be responsible for their learning.

Jazakum Allahu khairan,

I hope you have a wonderful evening in shaa Allah! 

Wednesday 26 November 2014

Classwork and Homework

Alsalamu Alaikum,

Today we had a fabulous day alhamdulilah!

We went to the Museum of Nature and we attended the "Follow my Tracks" workshop. We went on a tour to see great galleries (insects, birds, mammals and more!)

Science: Mahmoud presented his project and he did a great job masha'Allah

Reading: Maryam read the class a book about camouflage.

Arabic Homework (Tr. Salam):

واجب اللغة العربية :
للغد الخميس 27 / 11 :
*كتابة فقرة آلة المنبه ص 92 مرتان،  بخط جميل مشكل على كراسة الواجب ، الرجاء،  كتابة الطالب للتاريخ .
للاثنين الموافق 1 /12 ان شاء الله .......املاء في فقرة آلة المنبه ص 92 .              جزاكم الله خيرا

Reminders: Tomorrow is spirit day! Students should wear something yellow.

Have a great evening in shaa Allah!

Monday 24 November 2014

Classwork and Homework

Alsalamu Alaikum,

Today we had a wonderful day alhamdulilah!

Computer Lab: Students went to the computer lab and they read books on razkids. They also completed patterns.

Please encourage your child to use the following website for great educational games:

Spelling: Students wrote their spelling quiz and the bonus was to write two sentences using adjectives.

Students were also introduced to the new list words, Lesson 10 (Long Vowel "O"). They answered questions about the new list words in their spelling books.

List Words For Monday's Spelling Quiz:
 those, low, goat, own, coat, go, hope, sold, over, ago

Math: We started our new unit "Data Management and Probability"
Students watched a video about data management and we asked each other about our favourite places. We used tally marks and made a bar graph to show the results.

Science:We watched videos about insects. We completed a worksheet where students labeled an insect and wrote different types of insects.

Islamic Studies: We are learning about Wudu. We talked about the steps of wudu and how it washes our bad deeds away.

We went to the Gym to take pictures!

Arabic Homework (Tr. Salam): 

واجب اللغة العربية للغد (الثلاثاء25 /11 ) :

*التدريب على القراءة الصحيحة بصوت مرتفع ل ص 16 – 17 (درس آلة المنبه ) .
*ضع كل كلمة من كلمات القاموس المصور ص17 ( نائم – استيقظ – يغسل ) في جملة صحيحة من انشائك ، واكتبها بخط جميل على كراسة الواجب .
*اكتب من ذاكرتك ثلاث كلمات تتضمن حرف الباء ، و ثلاث أخرى تتضمن حرف النون .
                                                                                   وجزاكم الله خيرا

 Have a great evening in shaa Allah!

Saturday 22 November 2014

Bullying Poster Contest Rules and Specifications:

  • Eligibility: All Abraar School students from grades 1 - 6.  Posters must be created only by an individual Student.
  • Divisions: Posters will be judged in separate divisions for each grade level. There will be one winner per grade level.  The winner will be announced on November 28th, 2014.
  • Theme: All posters must incorporate BULLYING theme. Also include the Character Trait theme for the month RESPECT
  • Paper/Size: Any size is acceptable
  • Art Media: Crayons, cut paper, felt tip pens, markers, pencils, pen and ink, etc, may be used to create the poster. Wood, plastic, glass, metal, fabric, and felt should not be part of the poster.
  • Identification: Your NAME and grade must appear on the back of your poster.
  • Copyright: Your poster cannot include any copyrighted characters, such as those from comics, cartoons, television programs, newspapers, magazines, etc.
  • Deadline: Your poster must be turned in to Tr. Seher or Tr. Fatima by November 24th, 2014. If your poster is chosen it will be displayed around the school for the entire year. Posters will not be returned to students.

Quran Test (Tr. Ibtissam)

Alsalamu Alaikum,

InshaAllah we will be having a test for Surat Al-Ala on Monday, Nov 24.


Friday 21 November 2014


Alsalamu Alaikum,

Yesterday we had a wonderful day playing games about continents and oceans, making patterns and watching great videos! Students also made a lovely welcome poster for our PTI night!

  • Make the quilt pattern. 
  • Razkids assignment (login razkids and click on FLIGHT CHECK).. This assignment is due on Tuesday.
  • Spelling list words for Monday's quiz (rule, use, tune, mule, due, true, grew, few, you, cute)
  • Study the spelling of the continents and oceans (Quiz on Thursday):
  1. Continents: (North America, South America, Africa, Europe, Asia, Australia, Antarctica
  2. Oceans: (Pacific, Atlantic, Arctic, Indian,  Southern)  

It was lovely meeting with you yesterday!

Have a great weekend in shaa Allah!

Wednesday 19 November 2014

Arabic Homework (Tr. Salam)

السلام عليكم :
*بدأنا الان في دراسة الدرس الاول من محور : الوقت ، ( آلة المنبه) .

واجب اللغة العربية ، للغد الخميس 20/11 ان شاء الله  :

*قراءة درس آلة المنبه ص 16 – 17،  قراءة صحيحة بصوت مرتفع ، مع ضرورة فهم الطالب لما يقرأ .
*كتابة الجملة الاخيرة من الدرس ص 16، مرتان ، بخط جميل مشكل على الكراسة ( الام : ..... مفيدة ).
الرجاء التأكد من اعادة الطالب للكتاب الى المدرسة ، لحاجتنا اليومية اليه
و جزاكم الله خيرا

Classwork and Homework

Alsalamu Alaikum,

Today we had a great day alhamdulilah!

Gym: We went to the gym with 2B and played Bunnies and Foxes.

Math: Students had a pop quiz today about patterns.

Science: Rhiyan and Riama presented their projects and masha'Allah they did a great job!

Language: Students made an anti bullying craft where they traced their hands and wrote 5 ways we could stand against bullying.

Yesterday we learned about adjectives and students completed an adjective worksheet in class.

Islamic Studies: We watched a video about prophet Noah.

Reminders: Tomorrow is a half day for students in shaa Allah.

Here is the Meeting Schedule for tomorrow:

Tr. Hoda Elshayeb                                                     Grade: 2A
Meeting Schedule

Students name
4:00 – 4:15

4:15 – 4:30

4:30 – 4:45

4:45 – 5:00

5:00 – 5:15

5:15 – 5:30

5:30 – 5:45

5:45 – 6:00

6:00 - 6:15

6:15 – 6:30

6:30 – 6:45

6:45 – 7:00

Mariam G.
7: 00 – 7:15

7:15 – 7:30

7:30 – 7:45

7:45 – 8:00


Looking forward to seeing you tomorrow in shaa Allah!

Have a great evening!

Monday 17 November 2014

Classwork and Homework

Alsalamu alaikum,

Today we had a wonderful day alhamdulilah!

Spelling: Students wrote their spelling quiz and the bonus was to write a question using correct punctuation. I also defined some math vocabulary and they wrote the word (pattern, core, attribute).

We started lesson 9, long vowel "u". Students answered questions about the new list words in their Math books.

Math: We completed pages 23,  24 and 25 in our Math books. Students made different patterns.

Science: Khadeeja, Maya and Bassil presented their projects and masha'Allah they did a great job!

Gym: We played Freeze Tag and Zap.


  • Spelling book page 39
  • Math book page 25(Home Connection)
  • Please make sure you sign the trip form and the  Parent Teacher Interview Slip and send them to school tomorrow, if you have not already done so.
I hope you have a great evening! 

Friday 14 November 2014

Classwork and Homework

Alsalamu Alaikum,

Today we had a great day alhamdulilah!

Science: Today Maryam brought her birds to class. We talked about the birds and their characteristics. Students completed a worksheet where they wrote five special things they learned about birds. We loved having the birds in class today! In shaa Allah they will visit us again next week!

Today Ziad and Yassine presented their projects and masha'Allah they did a great job!

Art: Students used the coffee filters they'd coloured last week to make beautiful, colourful birds.
Students who finished their work started making bracelets using beads. They made some lovely patterns with their beads masha'Allah!

Gym: We played Octopus and Green Light/ Red Light.

Reading: Students sat on the carpet and Alia read us a story.

  • Today students took home their progress reports.
  • Students also took a field trip form, please sign it and sent it to school on Monday. We are going on a field trip to the Museum of nature on Wednesday (11/26/2014) in shaa Allah.
  • Spelling quiz on Monday: wide, mile, line, hide, fire, nice, fine, mind, find, behind, fourteenth, fifteenth, sixteenth 
I hope you all have a wonderful weekend!

Quran Homework (Tr. Ibtissam)

Alsalamu Alaikum,

Surah Al-Ala from Ayah 17 to 19.
Jazakum Allahu Khairan

Thursday 13 November 2014

Classwowrk and Homework

Alsalamu Alaikum,

Today we had a wonderful day alhamdulilah!

Language: Students made a respect flip book showing how to show respect to others, at school, at home and to the earth. We also worked on our editing worksheet.

Math: We completed page 22 where students showed patterns using pictures, words, letters and numbers.

Science: Yesterday Jasmine presented her project, and today Omar and Dana presented their projects. Masha'Allah they all did a wonderful job!

  • Homework pack (due on Wednesday) 
  • Spelling book pages 34 and 35.

Arabic Homework (Tr. Salam): 

اللغة العربية :
السلام عليكم ... املاء الاثنين الموافق 17 /11  المقررة، ستكون ان شاء الله في فقرة مدرستي ص 92 و ليس في فقرة معلمتي ، أعتذر لهذا الخطأ.

انتهينا من وحدة الحياة المدرسية و التي شملت ثلاثة دروس ، و نحن الان في صدد تدريب الطالب على الكلام ( استخدام اللغة ) من خلال ما تعلمه و فهمه منها ، حيث لم تقتصر أنشطتنا الصفية على القراءة و الكتابة و حل التدريبات و لكن نهتم بتوظيف ذلك لتنمية مهارة الحديث و الكلام عند الطالب ، و ذلك من خلال أنشطية شفوية  مثل :
 اجابة الطالب على أسئلة موجهة عما فهمه من جميع دروس الوحدة  - تمييز المفردات التي تدل على المدرسة من غيرها – تكملة الجملة الناقصة – وضع الكلمة في جملة مفيدة – وصف صورة بجمل بسيطة  ، تقييم صحة الجملة عند سماعها ، تمثيل معنى المفردات ............ الخ .
                                                                                                    و الله ولي التوفيق

Have a great evening!

Wednesday 12 November 2014

Classwork and Homework

Alsalamu Alaikum,

Today we had a great day alhamdulilah!

Language: Students are learning how to proofread their work and other work. Today students started working on a worksheet where they checked for grammar, spelling and punctuation.

Science: Juri and Lamar presented their projects and masha'Allah they did a fabulous job!

Math: We completed page 21 in our math books. Students sat on the carpet and worked in groups to make patterns using blocks.

Library: We went to the library and Tr. Nancy explained to the class that next week we will start the "REVIEW" portion of our projects.

Gym: We played hockey and monkey in the middle!

Islamic Studies: Students sat on the carpet and we read more about the shining treasures. Students learned that the shining treasures are the Quran and the books of hadeeth.


Math book page 21 (Home Connection)

Arabic Homework (Tr. Salam): 

                                                                                                                                   واجب اللغة العربية:

*أكتب فقرة معلمتي ص 92 مرتين على الكراسة بخط جميل مشكل ، للغد الخميس .
املاء الاثنين الموافق 11/17 ان شاء الله في:
 فقرة معلمتي ص 92 ، و لقدتم التدريب على الاملاء المطلوبة  من خلال العديد من الانشطة الصفية.
  الكتاب سيكون  مع الطالب لدراسة الاملاء  ، فالرجاء التأكد من احضاره للمدرسة يوميا لحاجتنا الدراسيه اليه .
    جزاكم الله خيرا ... المدرسة / سلام 

I hope you all have a great evening in shaa Allah!


Tuesday 11 November 2014

Classwork and Homework

Alsalamu alaikum,

Today we had a lovely day alhamdulilah!

Math: We completed pages 18, 19 and 20 in our math books. Students formed different patterns.

Science: Luay, Hilal, Uzair, Talin and Maryam presented their projects and masha'Allah they all did a wonderful job!

Social Studies: We played a game where the student who caught the ball would answer a question about a continent or an ocean.

  • Math book page 19 (Home Connection)
  • Colour the horse and cut it out.
  • Homework pack is due tomorrow.
  • Spelling quiz on Monday: wide, mile, line, hide, fire, nice, fine, mind, find, behind, fourteenth, fifteenth, sixteenth 
I hope you all have a great evening in shaa Allah!

Friday 7 November 2014

Classwork and Homework

Alsalamu Alaikum,

Today we had a lovely day alhamdulilah!

Projects: Mariam and Juri presented their projects and masha'Allah they did a great job!

Math: We completed page 16 in our math books where students sorted clothing using a Venn diagram.

Art: Students used markers to make a pattern on coffee filters and they sprayed water on their patterns to see how beautifully the colours blend. Next week we will use this to make colourful birds in shaa Allah.

Gym: We played Freeze Tag!

Reading: Students sat on the carpet and Raima read The Light House.

  • Sign page 14 in your child's Math book.
  • Math book page 16 (Home Connection) 
  • Study for Monday's spelling quiz (save, lake, face, same, gate, rake, tape, sail, paint, afraid, eleventh, twelfth, thirteenth)

Thursday 6 November 2014

Classwork and Homework

Alsalamu Alakium,

Today we had a lovely day alhamdulilah!

Spelling: Students worked in their spelling books. They did some proofreading, a word puzzle and they wrote a short story about good deeds.

Math: We started our unit about Sorting and Patterning. Students completed page 15 in their Math books.

Science: Hamza and Taha presented their projects. They did a great job masha'Allah!

Social Studies: Students completed a worksheet about continents and oceans.

  • Homework pack (due on Wednesday)
  • I Love Islam workbook, Unit C, chapter 1 ( due on Monday)
I hope you all have a great evening in shaa Allah!

Wednesday 5 November 2014


Alsalamu Alaikum,

Today we had a wonderful day alhamdulilah!

Writing: Students wrote about the prompt " Imagine you were a Teacher for a Day!". They wrote compound sentences describing the different things they'd do with their students.

Science: Zaina presented her project yesterday. Alia and Rayanne presented their projects today.  Masha'Allah they all did a great job!

Math: We are starting our new unit, "Sorting and Patterning". We talked about what sorting is and we watched a video about patterning. Students gave examples of different patterns.

Library: We went to the library with 2B and students worked on the "Do" portion of their project.

Kindly note that students will be learning the steps of research with Tr. Nancy throughout the year. Please make sure that your child is working on completing his/her project at home and that your child is ready to present the project on the due date.

Gym: We played hockey and we skipped!

Islamic Studies: We started our new unit, The Shining Treasures. Students are learning about Sunnah, Hadeeth, how the Quran was revealed to Prophet Mohammed (SAW). Luay, Talin and Uziar read a story to the class about Zaid and the Shining Treasures.

  • If you have not sent your child's assessment folder, please sign the assessments and send the folder to school tomorrow.
I hope you have a wonderful evening in shaa Allah!

Tuesday 4 November 2014

Classwork and Homework

Alsalamu Alaikum,

Today we had a wonderful day alhamdulilah!

Language: Students learned what editing is. They completed an editing worksheet where they checked for spelling, grammar and punctuation.

Maryam read us Stephanie's ponytail.

Math:We reviewed how to add different coins. Students had a pop quiz about money and they all did a great job masha'Allah!

Grand Opening of our Store: We had our sale today where students used the money they'd earned in the past two months to buy items from the shop.

Science: We are learning about the characteristics of birds. Today we completed a worksheet about birds.

Social Studies: We completed our continent globe craft.

Arabic (Tr. Salam):
واجب اللغة العربية للغد 5 / 11 ان شاء الله :
*التدريب على قراءة  ص 12  بصوت مرتفع و اضح .
*كتابة الجملة الاولى من الدرس ص 12  بخط جميل مشكل على كراسة الواجب .
   الكتاب المقرر و الكراسة في حقيبة الطالب ، الرجاء بعد الانتهاء منهما ، التأكد من وضعهما في حقيبة الطالب لحاجتنا اليومية لهما .

  جواكم الله خيرا /  المدرسة سلام

Reminders: Bring your library book, KWL chart and worksheet for tomorrow's library lesson.

Have a great evening in shaa Allah!

Monday 3 November 2014

Classwork and Homework

Alsalamu Alaikum,

Today we had a great day alhamdulilah!

Spelling: Students wrote their spelling quiz and the bonus was to write a verb, a common noun and a proper noun.

We watched a video "When two Vowels go Walking" We started lesson 7, long vowel sound a. Students read the new list words and they wrote them down.

Math: We completed page 68 in our Math books. Students showed 60 cents on their white boards using different coins.

Islamic Studies: We answered questions about being honest, Unit E, chapter 2, in our I Love Islam workbooks.

Gym: We played Rabbits and Foxes!

Science: Students sat on the carpet and Rayanne started reading a great book about birds and their characteristics.

  • Tomorrow is toonie Tuesday. Students can come out of uniform and bring a toonie. 
  • Sign your child's spelling quiz.
  • Bring 7 different coins to school tomorrow (1 quarter, nickels, dimes) for an activity we will be doing in shaa Allah.
  • Please make sure you sign your child's agenda. I want students to be responsible for their learning, so please make sure that your child is checking his/her agenda for homework and not the blog.
I hope you all have a lovely evening in shaa Allah!