Tuesday 4 November 2014

Classwork and Homework

Alsalamu Alaikum,

Today we had a wonderful day alhamdulilah!

Language: Students learned what editing is. They completed an editing worksheet where they checked for spelling, grammar and punctuation.

Maryam read us Stephanie's ponytail.

Math:We reviewed how to add different coins. Students had a pop quiz about money and they all did a great job masha'Allah!

Grand Opening of our Store: We had our sale today where students used the money they'd earned in the past two months to buy items from the shop.

Science: We are learning about the characteristics of birds. Today we completed a worksheet about birds.

Social Studies: We completed our continent globe craft.

Arabic (Tr. Salam):
واجب اللغة العربية للغد 5 / 11 ان شاء الله :
*التدريب على قراءة  ص 12  بصوت مرتفع و اضح .
*كتابة الجملة الاولى من الدرس ص 12  بخط جميل مشكل على كراسة الواجب .
   الكتاب المقرر و الكراسة في حقيبة الطالب ، الرجاء بعد الانتهاء منهما ، التأكد من وضعهما في حقيبة الطالب لحاجتنا اليومية لهما .

  جواكم الله خيرا /  المدرسة سلام

Reminders: Bring your library book, KWL chart and worksheet for tomorrow's library lesson.

Have a great evening in shaa Allah!