Saturday 29 November 2014

Friday's Classwork

Alsalamu Alaikum,

Today we had a great day alhamdulilah!

Math: We completed page 127 in our Math books where students conducted a survey and showed the results using a tally chart and a bar graph.

Islamic Studies: We are learning about wudoo. Today we read a story in our Islamic text book about Ziad learning wudoo,

Art: We started making a flip book with the steps of wudoo.

Gym: We played Freeze Tag.

We had ice cream and watched a movie! We had a fabulous time alhamdulilah!

  • Spelling quiz on Monday: those, low, goat, own, coat, go, hope, sold, over, ago
  • Next Tuesday, 12/02/2014 is toonie Tuesday.
  • If you are still interested in ordering the mitten clips, send your order on Monday.
Have a wonderful weekend in shaa Allah!