Today we had a fabulous day alhamdulilah!
We went to the Museum of Nature and we attended the "Follow my Tracks" workshop. We went on a tour to see great galleries (insects, birds, mammals and more!)
Science: Mahmoud presented his project and he did a great job masha'Allah
Reading: Maryam read the class a book about camouflage.
Arabic Homework (Tr. Salam):
واجب اللغة العربية :
للغد الخميس 27 / 11 :
*كتابة فقرة آلة المنبه ص 92 مرتان، بخط جميل مشكل على كراسة الواجب ، الرجاء، كتابة الطالب للتاريخ .
للاثنين الموافق 1 /12 ان شاء الله .......املاء في فقرة آلة المنبه ص 92 . جزاكم الله خيرا
Reminders: Tomorrow is spirit day! Students should wear something yellow.