Wednesday 23 September 2015

Tuesday and Wednesday's Classwork and a Welcome Back Message from Tr. Nancy

Assalamu Alaikum,

We had a wonderful day today and yesterday alhamdulilah!

Spelling: We did lesson 2 in our spelling books on consonants.

Reading: Students have been working on maintaining stamina during read to self, and masha'allah we are doing a good job!

Math: We are learning about patterns. We learned that the repeated part in a pattern is called a CORE or a UNIT. We also learned different types of patterns (AB, ABC, ABCD, ABB, AAB...etc)

We played "Catch the ball where students who caught the ball had to say a pattern, and we completed 2 pages in our math books. ISA next week your child will be taking home his/her math book.

Hajj Craft: Students finished making their mobile hajj crafts.

Eid Craft: We coloured pictures of children, cut out balloons, letters, and stars to decorate our Eid board. Students also had  lots of fun making Eid cards.

Islamic Studies: Students sat on the carpet, and I read "Allah's Best Friend".

Gym: We went to the public park today and played on the play structure.


  • We are going to Midway to celebrate Eid on Monday, 09/28/2015, please make sure your child is dressed comfortably. 
  • The deadline to submit the milk form is 09/30/2015.
  • Students have a spelling quiz on Tuesday 09/29/2015 on lesson 2. The list words are: let, his, had, ask, old, took, also, sat, fell, get 
I hope you have a wonderful Eid! Eid Mubarak everyone!  

Welcome Back Message from Tr. Nancy

Dear Parents,

Assalamu Alaikum


Nancy-Ann Brethour