Tuesday 12 May 2015

Classwork, Quran Homework and Reminder

Alsalamu Alaikum,

Today we had a nice day alhamdulilah!

Language: Today we completed a worksheet on homophones. 

Guided Reading: Tr. Naaz joined us, and we had our guided reading session. Today students who were doing the guided reading with Tr. Naaz and me, read about communities, and we found the main idea in each paragraph. Other groups read independently, and did some activities. 

Math: Today we started learning about Multiplication. We learned different strategies to multiply by grouping, repeated addition and arrays. 

Students watched a video about adding by repeated addition, and we completed two online quizzes as a class on multiplication. 

We completed pages 238, 239 and 340. We also had lots of fun using bingo markers to multiply using arrays. 

Science: We finished our experiment about bouncing balls. 

Islamic Studies: We talked about some of the mosques we've been to, and how beautiful they are. In shaa Allah this week we will be learning about mosques around the world. 

Quran Homework: Practice Surah Al-Mutaffifin Ayah 18 to 25.

Tomorrow is Community Day!

Have a wonderful evening in shaa Allah!