Dear Parents,
This is a quick reminder, the new milk program will start tomorrow. If you would like to register your child for the new milk program, the office is still taking forms. Please send the form and money with child.
Thank you,
Tr. Merve
Monday, 31 March 2014
Art Project - Friday April 4, 2014

Dear Parents,
Hope all is well and everyone is in good health. The class would like to create bowls made out of yarn. We need few supplies in order to make the project happen. Please provide the following with your child.
1. yarn ( anything from home, any color)
2. a bowl ( small or medium size)
3. liquid glue
We are looking forward to creating the individual bowl. Please provide your child with the following items by Thursday April 3, 2014 the latest. The bowls will be sent back home once the project is complete. I will make sure their names are on it so we do not lose any. :)
Thank you,
Tuesday, 18 March 2014
Science update
Dear Parents,
In this movement, student learn about how simple machines and other mechanisms enable movement. they read about movement created by wheels and axles, inclined planes, springs, and pulleys. As students read and explanations they develop:
1. the reading strategy of monitoring
2. the reading and speaking strategy of using labelled diagrams
3. the media strategy of making sentences flow
4. word work, word student and vocabulary skills.
Thank you,
Tr. Merve
Language - What is a story

Dear Parents,
In this unit, students read stories that provide models the narrative/story form. They learn about the characteristics of narrative/stories"characters, setting, events. problems, and solutions. As students read the stories and view the illustrations and book covers they develop:
1. an understanding of the characteristics of narrative/short stories
2. the reading and listening strategy of making connections
3. the writing strategy of choosing a big idea
4. an understanding of purpose and audience for book covers
5. word work, word study, and vocabulary skills.
Thank you,
Tr. Merve :)
Quran update
Assalamu Alaikum dear parents;
Alhamdulillah, this week we finished Surat Al-Bayyinah.
Inshalla next Monday, March 24th we will have a test of the whole surah.
Please let them practice the new vocabulary that we learned as well/
clear evidence
Best of Creatures
khayru albariyya
الْبَرِيَّةِ خَيْرُ
Jazakom Alalhu khairan
Assalam alaikoum Dear parents,
I hope my email finds you in a good health and Iman,
In our story : comment y aller? Marie meets a police officer in a car. After a littel while, Marie sees a train approach. After she sees a ship....
•Have you child to name the different means of transport.
• Ask you child to choose the image of his/her favorite means of transport and why he/she like it.
• What means of transport do you have at home?
• What is the color of the car dad’s car?
• What means of transport move on the earth?
• What means of transport travel in the sky?
• Ask you child to choose the image of his/her favorite means of transport and why he/she like it.
• What means of transport do you have at home?
• What is the color of the car dad’s car?
• What means of transport move on the earth?
• What means of transport travel in the sky?
•What means of transport float on water on water?
Demandez aux enfants de nommer les différents moyens de transport.
- Demandez aux enfants de choisir l'image de leur moyen de transport préféré et d'expliquer pourquoi ils l'aiment.
- Quels moyens de transport as-tu à la maison?
- Quelle est la couleur de l'auto de ton papa?
- Quels moyens de transport flottent sur l'eau ?
- Quels moyens de transport roulent sur la terre ?
- Quels moyens de transport volent dans le ciel ?
Jazakoum khairan
Tuesday, 4 March 2014
French update
Assalam alaikoum Dear parents,
I hope my email finds you in a good health and Iman,
you find below what we did in the class between Fev 24 to Fev 28.
1- We introduced the characters of the story:
We introduced the characters before acting out the play. We gestured for the class to say the following:
Cette histoire s’appelle : comment y aller?
Ça c’est un personnage/character/ personnage.
C’est une fille qui s’appelle Marie
Ça c’est un autre personnage.
C’est le capitaine ( il conduit le bateau)
C’est le conducteur ( il conduit le train)
C’est la policière( elle conduit la voiture)
C’est l’extraterrestre (il conduit la soucoupe volante)
2- we learned les moyens de transports .
voiture - bateau- train - taxi - motocyclette- avion - autobus -
camion .
3- We introduced a new vocabulary related to story :
1- D’accord
2- Le contraire
3- (La/une) fenêtre
4- (la/une) lumière
5- (l’/un ordinateur
Jazakoum Allah bikhair.
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