Sunday 1 February 2015

Friday's Classwork and Homework

Alsalamu Alaikum,

We had a wonderful day on Friday alhamdulilah!

Science: Students wrote their science test on animals. Students who finished early played "FIND the AMINAL" where they read some facts about animals on cards and had to match them to the right pictures of animals.

Math: Students made a craft about even and odd numbers.

We celebrated our Classdojo points! We had our January party at the end of the day for the Classdodjo winners! We had a great time alhamdulilah!

Arabic Homework (Tr. Salam):
واجب اللغة :
*املاء ليوم الاثنين الموافق 2/2 ان شاء الله في :
فقرة  أسرتي ص 92 من الكتاب الاساس المقرر .      

  • Students work on The Year of the Elephant diorama or poster.
  • Spelling Quiz on Monday: apple, handle, able, bottle, table, uncle, candle, purple, turtle, people
  • Tuesday is Toonie Tuesday.
I hope you are enjoying your weekend!