Tuesday 28 April 2015

Classwork and Reminder

Alsalamu Alaikum,

Today we had a great day alhamdulilah!

Science: Students were reminded of the air and water descriptions we described to aliens yesterday. They completed a worksheet where they described air and water, and they explained the importance of air and water in our lives. 

Math: Students completed page 205 in their math books where they measured different frames, and found their perimeters.

They also completed a worksheet where they found the perimeter of different shapes. 

Guided Reading: Tr. Naaz joined us, students worked in centers where there was independent reading, activity centers, and two groups had guided reading. Today we read about air and water.

We went to the gym, and attended the Talent Show! We got to see some great talents masha'Allah! Mariam and Hilal were wonderful on stage today masha'Allah!


  • Tomorrow students have their Seerah Quiz Part 2 (chapters 5 to 8).
I hope you have a lovely evening in shaa Allah!