Thursday 23 April 2015


Alsalamu Alaikum,

Today we had a great day alhamdulilah!

Islamic Studies: Today students answered questions in their I Love Islam workbooks about who their hero (role model) is, and some of the things they learned from their role model.
We started a new lesson, Learning Comes First. We learned that there are priorities, and how we should be patient while finishing our work before playtime.

Math: We completed page 199 where students found four objects around the class that were around 10 cm long. Then, they measured their objects, and recorded their measurements. 

Science: We watched a video about pollution. We learned that there is air, water, land and noise pollution. Students started a worksheet where they completed sentences about pollution.

We also watched a great video about how to reduce pollution and save energy by reducing, reusing and recycling. 

Art: Yesterday we wrote a plan to save the earth, and each student made a super hero to help save planet Earth. 

Arabic Homework: 
واجب اللغة العربية

املاء للاثنين القادم ان شاء الله 27 /4  في :
فقرة الشتاء ص 93 من الكتاب الاساس ( الكتاب مع الطالب )

Tomorrow students have a 3D Solids quiz in shaa Allah. 

Have a great evening!