Today we had a great day alhamdulilah!
Computer Lab: We went to the computer lab today. Students read books on Razkids, and they played fraction games.
Biography Project: Talin presented her project and masha'Allah she did a great job!
Math: Today we had a fraction pop quiz.
Art: We made Fraction Masajid where students used construction paper to make Masajid. They labeled each part and wrote the fraction. Masha' Allah they did a wonderful job!
Islamic Studies: We learned about some activities we can do in the masjid, and how we need to respect the masjid by keeping it clean and behaving in a proper way. We also said the duaa of entering the masjid.
Homework: Students wrote their homework in their agendas.
- Tomorrow is Toonie Tuesday.
- Tomorrow we have the Abraar Elementary Book Fair. Prices range from $2.00 to $8.00.
Have a great evening in shaa Allah!