Saturday 13 June 2015

Last Week's Updates

Assalamu Alaikum,

We had a wonderful time last week alhamdulilah!

Language: Students practiced summarizing stories and also learned narrative writing. 

Math:We practiced division using strategies of equal groups and repeated subtraction.We had a competition where students worked in groups to do some division, multiplication, addition and subtraction on chart paper. We also had a pop quiz on Division.

Science:  On Friday, students also wrote a quiz on movement. We will be making a simple machines brochure in class next week in shaa Allah.

Islamic Studies: Last week, we read and discussed  " Taqwa-Allah Sees Me All the Time" We also answered questions in our I Love Islam workbooks about Taqwa. 

 Carnival: The grade 2 students attended a carnival in the gym. There were games, face painting, henna, and plasma cars for students to enjoy and have fun.  We had a great time with the 2Bs!
Have a great weekend!