Assalamu Alaikum,
Alhamdulialh Grade 2 practiced reading sentences from words learned in previous lessons, and they know how to write them and understand their meaning. They are learning about kinds of letter (taa'aa) as in the picture , and they did a writing activity regarding this topic. Now they are learning how to disconnect the word into letters.
Saturday, 27 February 2016
Class Updates and Reminders
Assalamu Alaikum,
Alhamdulilah we have been having a great time learning and exploring!
Reading: On Monday Dr. Aisha started reading us a chapter book called "Danny, The Champion of the World". Learn about the hilarious adventures Danny and the best dad a boy ever had, from your child!
This week Sr. Madlien read us a chapter from a book about the companions. We learned about Salman and how he met the prophet and was freed from slavery. Students completed a worksheet about Salman. It was truly a touching story that we all enjoyed very much!
Students have been maintaining stamina during Read to Self masha'Allah!
Writing: Last week we worked in pairs to write sentences showing the meaning of different homonyms. This week students wrote about something they have a passion for and they drew a picture of themselves doing it in their writing journals.
Spelling: We completed lesson 21 in our spelling books where we learned words with c and ck. We also wrote our spelling quiz on lesson 19 and 20 (consonant digraphs).
Math: We are learning about coins and how to add them. We sang a rap about different coins and what they are worth :)
Students have been working in pairs and independently to show different ways of showing a monetary amount (e.g. $2.00 is $1, 2 quarters, 4 nickels and 3 dimes)
They also worked in pairs to solve word problems about coins. Yesterday students worked independently to buy sweets for one dollar by selecting the sweets and adding the coins to reach a dollar.
Math Center Fun: The 2Bs joined us and we had math centers where students got to visit different stations with board games, Place Value Puzzles, Base Ten Blocks, Place Value Matching Cards!
Science: We started our new unit on Matter.. Properties of Liquids and Solids. We learned that matter is anything that takes up space. We learned about the different states of matter and how the molecules are in a solid, liquid and a gas.
Students have been exploring different matter. We went outside and collected snow in cups, colored it, and let it melt. Before it melted we drew a line on the cups predicting the volume of the liquid. The second day we put the cups outside so that the liquid could freeze. We also put water in a kettle and boiled it to see that liquid can turn to gas (steam).
Students worked in pairs to write a list of the matter they saw outside and its texture. They also drew their snow in different states.
Students worked in pairs to write about the three states of matter and the properties of each state.
Yesterday we did a little experiment as a class where we filled a container with blocks, then, we filled it with colored water. After that each student completed a worksheet independently to show what they learned from the experiment about the properties of solids and liquids.
Computer Lab: Students have been working on WordPad and Paint to create beautiful work by changing color, size, font and highlighting their work on WordPad. They also draw pictures on Paint, write inside the picture, select it, and copy it on WordPad. We are also learning how to save our work.
Portfolios: We have been working on designing our portfolio covers, selecting work to include in the portfolio and more! Looking forward to seeing you all on Friday isA!
Gym: We played Rock/Paper/Scissor, and Flip the Plate last week. This week we played hockey and soccer!
Library: Tr. Nancy went over some library rules, and students learned that they will be collecting classdojo points in library class.
Islamic Studies: We are learning about the Seerah (Story of Prophet Mohammed (SAW)) and how we should always take the Prophet (SAW) as a role model. This week we read about the Prophet's marriage and his 6 children.
Have a fabulous weekend isA!
Alhamdulilah we have been having a great time learning and exploring!
Reading: On Monday Dr. Aisha started reading us a chapter book called "Danny, The Champion of the World". Learn about the hilarious adventures Danny and the best dad a boy ever had, from your child!
This week Sr. Madlien read us a chapter from a book about the companions. We learned about Salman and how he met the prophet and was freed from slavery. Students completed a worksheet about Salman. It was truly a touching story that we all enjoyed very much!
Students have been maintaining stamina during Read to Self masha'Allah!
Writing: Last week we worked in pairs to write sentences showing the meaning of different homonyms. This week students wrote about something they have a passion for and they drew a picture of themselves doing it in their writing journals.
Spelling: We completed lesson 21 in our spelling books where we learned words with c and ck. We also wrote our spelling quiz on lesson 19 and 20 (consonant digraphs).
Math: We are learning about coins and how to add them. We sang a rap about different coins and what they are worth :)
Students have been working in pairs and independently to show different ways of showing a monetary amount (e.g. $2.00 is $1, 2 quarters, 4 nickels and 3 dimes)
They also worked in pairs to solve word problems about coins. Yesterday students worked independently to buy sweets for one dollar by selecting the sweets and adding the coins to reach a dollar.
Math Center Fun: The 2Bs joined us and we had math centers where students got to visit different stations with board games, Place Value Puzzles, Base Ten Blocks, Place Value Matching Cards!
Science: We started our new unit on Matter.. Properties of Liquids and Solids. We learned that matter is anything that takes up space. We learned about the different states of matter and how the molecules are in a solid, liquid and a gas.
Students have been exploring different matter. We went outside and collected snow in cups, colored it, and let it melt. Before it melted we drew a line on the cups predicting the volume of the liquid. The second day we put the cups outside so that the liquid could freeze. We also put water in a kettle and boiled it to see that liquid can turn to gas (steam).
Students worked in pairs to write a list of the matter they saw outside and its texture. They also drew their snow in different states.
Students worked in pairs to write about the three states of matter and the properties of each state.
Yesterday we did a little experiment as a class where we filled a container with blocks, then, we filled it with colored water. After that each student completed a worksheet independently to show what they learned from the experiment about the properties of solids and liquids.
Computer Lab: Students have been working on WordPad and Paint to create beautiful work by changing color, size, font and highlighting their work on WordPad. They also draw pictures on Paint, write inside the picture, select it, and copy it on WordPad. We are also learning how to save our work.
Portfolios: We have been working on designing our portfolio covers, selecting work to include in the portfolio and more! Looking forward to seeing you all on Friday isA!
Gym: We played Rock/Paper/Scissor, and Flip the Plate last week. This week we played hockey and soccer!
Library: Tr. Nancy went over some library rules, and students learned that they will be collecting classdojo points in library class.
Islamic Studies: We are learning about the Seerah (Story of Prophet Mohammed (SAW)) and how we should always take the Prophet (SAW) as a role model. This week we read about the Prophet's marriage and his 6 children.
- Homework pack is due on Wednesday.
- Spelling quiz on lesson 21 (words with c and ck) is on Monday isA.
- I will be emailing you the schedule for the Student Led Conferences isA :)
- Students took home the milk forms.
- Spirit Day (Dress as a Leader) is this Monday!
Have a fabulous weekend isA!
Thursday, 11 February 2016
Class Updates and Have a Great Weekend!
Assalamu Alaikum,
We had a fabulous week alhamdulilah!

Reading: Students maintained stamina while reading to self. They thought about what the author's purpose was while they were reading (persuade, inform or entertain).
Sr. Madlien read us a great informative book about microbes called "The Invisible World of Microbes". We learned that we have more microbes on our body than the number of people in the whole world, and that a single drop of water can hold 20 million microbes!!! Students also completed a comprehension worksheet about microbes.

Today I read a class a funny book about homophones called "Dear Deer". The dear deer had an aunt that was an ant! It gave us a good laugh!
Spelling: We played a homonym game online where we were given hints and we had to guess the homonyms.
We completed lesson 19 in our spelling books where we learned words that have "th" and "sh".
Math: This week we explored more numbers. We joined the 2Bs and students worked in groups to show the place value, standard form, expanded form and base ten blocks of two digit numbers in ice-cream cones! Students also learned how to expand a two digit number using different combinations of base ten blocks (e.g. 50+4=54, 40+14=54, 30+24=54, 0+54=54...etc)
Center Fun: We had center fun on Wednesday where students visited different centers. We had a great time!
Science: Students read about the life cycle of a monarch butterfly, and they answered questions about it.
Computer Class: Today students worked more on changing font, colour, size and highlighting on WordPad. We also drew pictures on Paint, wrote on Paint, and selected our pictures and pasted them on WordPad. We are learning how to copy (Ctrl C), paste (Ctrl V) and save (Ctrl S) our work.
If you have not sent a flash drive with your child to school, please do so on Thursday, so your child can save his/her work on it.
Social Studies: We are learning how to read a map. We completed a worksheet where we read a map using the key, and we answered questions about the map by writing the cardinal directions. (North, South, East, West)
Islamic Studies: We are learning about the Seerah (The story of Prophet Muhammed (SAW)) and that we should follow the prophet's footsteps. We learned about the Prophet as a shepherd and a merchant. Today we learned how the Prophet (SAW) solved the problem of the black stone when the Kabah was being rebuilt due to a flood.
ClassDojo Party: The 2Bs joined us, and we watched Inside Out, ate popcorn and yummy cake! Later we discussed the different characters (Joy, Fear, Disgust, Anger and Sadness) in Inside Out, and we learned that all the feeling we experience are important.
Homework: Have a fabulous time, enjoy reading some good books and come back for more fun on Tuesday!
Have a great weekend!

We had a fabulous week alhamdulilah!
Reading: Students maintained stamina while reading to self. They thought about what the author's purpose was while they were reading (persuade, inform or entertain).
Sr. Madlien read us a great informative book about microbes called "The Invisible World of Microbes". We learned that we have more microbes on our body than the number of people in the whole world, and that a single drop of water can hold 20 million microbes!!! Students also completed a comprehension worksheet about microbes.
Today I read a class a funny book about homophones called "Dear Deer". The dear deer had an aunt that was an ant! It gave us a good laugh!
Spelling: We played a homonym game online where we were given hints and we had to guess the homonyms.
We completed lesson 19 in our spelling books where we learned words that have "th" and "sh".
Math: This week we explored more numbers. We joined the 2Bs and students worked in groups to show the place value, standard form, expanded form and base ten blocks of two digit numbers in ice-cream cones! Students also learned how to expand a two digit number using different combinations of base ten blocks (e.g. 50+4=54, 40+14=54, 30+24=54, 0+54=54...etc)
- Snail Mail (We went over the different parts of a letter (date, greeting, body, closing, signature) and students worked on writing letters to each other. Then, they put them in our mail box.)
- Racing cars (a math game where students practiced greater and less)
- Funny Faces (Last week students worked on sequencing, and this week we focused on Question words)
- Base Ten Blocks Matching Cards (Students matched number cards to the right base ten blocks cards)

Science: Students read about the life cycle of a monarch butterfly, and they answered questions about it.
Computer Class: Today students worked more on changing font, colour, size and highlighting on WordPad. We also drew pictures on Paint, wrote on Paint, and selected our pictures and pasted them on WordPad. We are learning how to copy (Ctrl C), paste (Ctrl V) and save (Ctrl S) our work.
If you have not sent a flash drive with your child to school, please do so on Thursday, so your child can save his/her work on it.
Social Studies: We are learning how to read a map. We completed a worksheet where we read a map using the key, and we answered questions about the map by writing the cardinal directions. (North, South, East, West)
Islamic Studies: We are learning about the Seerah (The story of Prophet Muhammed (SAW)) and that we should follow the prophet's footsteps. We learned about the Prophet as a shepherd and a merchant. Today we learned how the Prophet (SAW) solved the problem of the black stone when the Kabah was being rebuilt due to a flood.
ClassDojo Party: The 2Bs joined us, and we watched Inside Out, ate popcorn and yummy cake! Later we discussed the different characters (Joy, Fear, Disgust, Anger and Sadness) in Inside Out, and we learned that all the feeling we experience are important.
Homework: Have a fabulous time, enjoy reading some good books and come back for more fun on Tuesday!
Have a great weekend!

Saturday, 6 February 2016
Class Updates and Reminders
Assalamu Alaikum,
We had a great week alhamdulilah!
Circle Fun Time: We sat on the carpet, and we took turns to tell the class about some of the silly things we and our siblings did when we were younger. We had a good laugh!
Spelling: Students wrote their spelling quiz (review quiz).
We watched a video on homonyms, and we completed lesson 35 in our spelling books. The second day we played "PULL and GUESS" where students were divided into two teams, and each team had to pull a paper from a basket with a hint, and their task was to say the homonym and spell it to get a point.
Writing/ Media Literacy: Students used the facts they researched about their fruit or vegetable to make an advertisement about healthy eating where they persuaded the readers to eat their fruit or vegetable. They did a great job masha'Allah!
Reading: Students maintained stamina while reading to self. Masha'Allah we are doing an outstanding job maintain stamina!
Math: This week we learned about PLACE VALUE where we learned about digits and how to show them using base ten blocks. Students wrote about their favorite number, and they worked in groups to show different numbers using different strategies. They also looked at shirts of different basketball players to discuss the digits on them.
Center Fun: We had SNAIL MAIL (letter writing), FUNNY FACES (Sequencing), BASE TEN BLOCKS, MEASURING FUN and STRAWS AND CONNECTORS centers on Wednesday. We had a fabulous time alhamdulilah!
Computer Class: On Thursday we went to the computer lab and each student wrote on a WordPad (practiced changing font, color, size and highlighting). We also drew pictures on paint, and learned to write on paint, select, copy and paste the picture on WordPad. Students did a great job!
Please send a flash drive with your child to school on Thursday, so he/she can save the work on it.
Library: Tr. Nancy is teaching students to compare texts when reading. She read us "Amazing Animals... HIPPOPOTAMUSES", and isA she will be reading us another book about hippopotamuses next library period, so we can compare texts.
Science: We completed our unit on Growth and Changes in Animals, and students wrote their test. IsA we will be starting our new unit on Properties of Liquids and Solids.
Islamic Studies: We learned about the Prophet (SAW) as an orphan, and how he also lost his grandfather. We also learned that Allah (SWT) is AL-Mughny.
Art: Students started to make place value pictures using base ten blocks.
We had a great week alhamdulilah!
Circle Fun Time: We sat on the carpet, and we took turns to tell the class about some of the silly things we and our siblings did when we were younger. We had a good laugh!
Spelling: Students wrote their spelling quiz (review quiz).
We watched a video on homonyms, and we completed lesson 35 in our spelling books. The second day we played "PULL and GUESS" where students were divided into two teams, and each team had to pull a paper from a basket with a hint, and their task was to say the homonym and spell it to get a point.
Writing/ Media Literacy: Students used the facts they researched about their fruit or vegetable to make an advertisement about healthy eating where they persuaded the readers to eat their fruit or vegetable. They did a great job masha'Allah!
Reading: Students maintained stamina while reading to self. Masha'Allah we are doing an outstanding job maintain stamina!
Math: This week we learned about PLACE VALUE where we learned about digits and how to show them using base ten blocks. Students wrote about their favorite number, and they worked in groups to show different numbers using different strategies. They also looked at shirts of different basketball players to discuss the digits on them.
Center Fun: We had SNAIL MAIL (letter writing), FUNNY FACES (Sequencing), BASE TEN BLOCKS, MEASURING FUN and STRAWS AND CONNECTORS centers on Wednesday. We had a fabulous time alhamdulilah!
Computer Class: On Thursday we went to the computer lab and each student wrote on a WordPad (practiced changing font, color, size and highlighting). We also drew pictures on paint, and learned to write on paint, select, copy and paste the picture on WordPad. Students did a great job!
Please send a flash drive with your child to school on Thursday, so he/she can save the work on it.
Library: Tr. Nancy is teaching students to compare texts when reading. She read us "Amazing Animals... HIPPOPOTAMUSES", and isA she will be reading us another book about hippopotamuses next library period, so we can compare texts.
Science: We completed our unit on Growth and Changes in Animals, and students wrote their test. IsA we will be starting our new unit on Properties of Liquids and Solids.
Islamic Studies: We learned about the Prophet (SAW) as an orphan, and how he also lost his grandfather. We also learned that Allah (SWT) is AL-Mughny.
Art: Students started to make place value pictures using base ten blocks.
- Spelling quiz on homonyms, lesson 35, on Monday.
- Homework pack is due on Wednesday.
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