We had a fabulous week alhamdulilah!
Reading: Students maintained stamina while reading to self. They thought about what the author's purpose was while they were reading (persuade, inform or entertain).
Sr. Madlien read us a great informative book about microbes called "The Invisible World of Microbes". We learned that we have more microbes on our body than the number of people in the whole world, and that a single drop of water can hold 20 million microbes!!! Students also completed a comprehension worksheet about microbes.
Today I read a class a funny book about homophones called "Dear Deer". The dear deer had an aunt that was an ant! It gave us a good laugh!
Spelling: We played a homonym game online where we were given hints and we had to guess the homonyms.
We completed lesson 19 in our spelling books where we learned words that have "th" and "sh".
Math: This week we explored more numbers. We joined the 2Bs and students worked in groups to show the place value, standard form, expanded form and base ten blocks of two digit numbers in ice-cream cones! Students also learned how to expand a two digit number using different combinations of base ten blocks (e.g. 50+4=54, 40+14=54, 30+24=54, 0+54=54...etc)
- Snail Mail (We went over the different parts of a letter (date, greeting, body, closing, signature) and students worked on writing letters to each other. Then, they put them in our mail box.)
- Racing cars (a math game where students practiced greater and less)
- Funny Faces (Last week students worked on sequencing, and this week we focused on Question words)
- Base Ten Blocks Matching Cards (Students matched number cards to the right base ten blocks cards)

Science: Students read about the life cycle of a monarch butterfly, and they answered questions about it.
Computer Class: Today students worked more on changing font, colour, size and highlighting on WordPad. We also drew pictures on Paint, wrote on Paint, and selected our pictures and pasted them on WordPad. We are learning how to copy (Ctrl C), paste (Ctrl V) and save (Ctrl S) our work.
If you have not sent a flash drive with your child to school, please do so on Thursday, so your child can save his/her work on it.
Social Studies: We are learning how to read a map. We completed a worksheet where we read a map using the key, and we answered questions about the map by writing the cardinal directions. (North, South, East, West)
Islamic Studies: We are learning about the Seerah (The story of Prophet Muhammed (SAW)) and that we should follow the prophet's footsteps. We learned about the Prophet as a shepherd and a merchant. Today we learned how the Prophet (SAW) solved the problem of the black stone when the Kabah was being rebuilt due to a flood.
ClassDojo Party: The 2Bs joined us, and we watched Inside Out, ate popcorn and yummy cake! Later we discussed the different characters (Joy, Fear, Disgust, Anger and Sadness) in Inside Out, and we learned that all the feeling we experience are important.
Homework: Have a fabulous time, enjoy reading some good books and come back for more fun on Tuesday!
Have a great weekend!