Sunday 13 March 2016

Class Updates and Have a Great March Break!

Assalamu Alaikum,

We had a lovely week last week alhamdulilah!

Reading: Students maintained stamina while reading to self. Then, we sat on the carpet and students shared the author's purpose and what their books were about.

Spelling: We completed lesson 21 in our spelling books where we learned vowels with r.

Writing/Art: The 2As entered the Classdojo Monster Contest! We learned how Classdojo make their monsters, and students took a template where they had three trials to draw their monsters and write what they like about each one and what they would like to improve. Classdojo will turn their favourite three entries into real monsters in Classdojo, and one monster will be brought to life and featured in their next Big Idea video series!! On Friday we mailed our monsters to Classdojo! Masha'Allah the students did a wonderful job!

Math: We have been learning addition and subtraction with regrouping. Students worked in groups to add and subtract with regrouping, and they solved word problems in their math journals after we discussed and learned some strategies to solve word problems. On Friday we solved word problems though a great PowerPoint :)

Math Workshop: We had a wonderful math workshop where we had fun learning about coins, place value, fractions, clocks, and more! We had a fabulous time alhamdulilah!


Science: We learned about how some solids float and  others sink. Students completed a worksheet where they predicted which solids would float and which ones would sink. Then, they put the solids (crayon, pencil, glue stick, cotton ball and bottle cap) in water and recorded the results.

We also learned about mixtures. We learned that some solids (e.g. sugar) dissolve to make a solution. We made two mixtures as a class. One was sand and water, and the other was sugar and water. Then students recorded the results.

Kamilah made another mixture where she mixed water, vinegar and baking soda and the class noticed how there was a reaction!

Islamic Studies: Students learned about Prophet Mohamed (SAW) and his love for children.

Homework and Reminders:
  • Homework Pack (Experiment and math) is due on Wednesday, 03/23/2016.
  • Please send the field trip form if you have not done so on Monday 03/21/2016.
I hope you all have a fabulous March break isA!