Saturday 26 March 2016

Class Updates and Reminders

Assalamu Alaikum,

We had a wonderful week alhamdulilah!

The first day after the March break, we talked about all the fun we had during our break, and shared with one another what our favourite part of the break was.

Writing/ Social Studies/ Art: On International Day, we sat on the carpet and discussed how we come from different countries, have different cultures and each student shared some of the things they do back home.

Students wrote about their culture and what they do in their country in their writing journals, and each student read their writing piece to the class. Then, we listened each person's national anthem, and we sang Oh Canada as a class :)

Students used scrap paper to design something special they like about their country (hina, deserts, food, celebrations...etc.) and we put all the crafts on a poster with the title "We are Different and Awesome!"

Reading: Students maintained stamina during read to self.

Math: We started our new unit about "2D Shapes".  We learned that 2D shapes have 2 dimensions (length and width), and we learned about some of their attributes, and where we can find them in real life (signs and more)

We also learned about polygons, quadrilaterals and that some shapes are symmetrical and others are not by completing worksheets, comparing their attributes in a Venn diagram and making different 2D shapes on Geoboards.

Computer Lab: Students sorted 2D shapes in a Venn diagram according to their attributes (quadrilaterals, symmetrical, polygons...Etc.)

Science/ Writing: We learned about "buoyancy ". We had a great time experimenting, writing our hypothesis and recording our results. On Monday students recorded their predictions about whether certain solids would end up floating or sinking in water. Then we put them in water and we recorded the results. The following day each student got to design something that would float in water using clay, they recorded their hypothesis, results and what they learned from the experiment. They also completed an informative piece "How To Writing" explaining how they designed the clay to make it float.

On Wednesday during our field trip, we learned more about the prosperities of solids, liquids and gasses. Students worked in groups with their group leaders to design an object that would float in water and carry 5 marbles. Each group was given different materials that each floated in water when placed alone. Masha'Allah they all did a great job!

Museum of Aviation: On Wednesday we had a fabulous time at the Museum of Aviation learning about the properties of matter, building objects that would float, and exploring amazing aircraft! Masha'Allah the 2As behaved beautifully! Way to go! I would like to thank our amazing volunteers for all their help and for making it a wonderful day! Jazakum Allahu Khairan :)

  • Homework pack is due on Wednesday.
  • Students took home the spelling bee list words. Information about the spelling bee will be emailed to you isA.
I hope you are having a wonderful weekend!