Sunday 3 April 2016

Class Updates and \Reminders

Assalamu Alaikum,

We had a fabulous week alhamdulilah!

Reading: Dr. Aisha joined us and she read two chapters of "Danny, The Champion of the World!" Find out about more of Danny's adventures from your child!

Sr. Madlien read us the story of the Prophet (SAW)'s companion, Adi Ibn Hatim Al-Ta'i, and we completed a comprehension worksheet about the story.

Isa started reading us a book about the spelling bee where we are learning more about the spelling bee rules and how fun it can be! Students also  maintained stamina while reading to self.

Spelling: We learned about contractions (shortcuts) and apostrophes.

Centers: We had fun in our learning centers on Wednesday:
  • Snail mail: Students wrote letters and notes to each other after going over the different parts of a letter.
  • Funny Faces: We practiced question words and contractions through our funny faces.
  • Room Area: Students drew their dream room on chart paper and found the area using a nonstandard unit.
  • Lego Fun: students built airplanes, buildings and robots using Lego.

Math: We finished our unit on 2D shapes. We learned about 2D shapes and their attributes (sides, vertices, parallel lines, symmetrical or nonsymmetrical). We also learned how to find the area and perimeter of a 2D shape, and how they can slide, flip, and turn.

Students worked in groups to find the area of a 2D shape using a nonstandard unit. They also drew 2D shapes and flipped, slid and turned them.

Students designed a yard for a dog, his house, bowl and bone. They were asked to use straight lines and add features to the yard. Then, they measured the perimeter and area of the yard. After that, students wrote about the features they added in the yard, and why they thought it was a good yard for the dog.

Students also worked independently to draw 2D shapes, flip, slide and turn them.

Computer Lab/ Social Studies: First, we went over how to change the font, size and highlight on WordPad, and how to copy, past, and save our work. Then, students worked together or individually to write about some of the traditions they have back home, their food, clothing and how they celebrate Eid or weddings. IsA next computer class, students will search for pictures of clothing, food and traditions they have back home.

Please talk to your child about some of the traditions and cultures you have back home, so they can share them with us.

Gym: We played Dodge ball!

Science: We went outside with the 2Bs and learned about gas and how it takes up space. Students worked in pairs to make bubbles using pipe wires, water and soap.

 We also discussed the terms: mixture, solution, dissolve and  density. We finally made goo. First attempt didn't work, but we got it right the second time :)

Art: Students folded a square paper 4 times showing all the lines of symmetry. Then, they drew shapes and flipped them to make it symmetrical.

Islamic Studies: We learned about the story of Prophet Nuh (SAW) and the ark.

  • Homework pack is due on Wednesday.
  • Second round of spelling bee practice is on Thursday (column 2)... More information about the spelling bee will be emailed to you isA.
  • Students were assigned an assignment on Razkids.
  • It is spring, but it is still cold these days. Please send a jacket with your child to school and make sure he/she is dressed warmly.
Enjoy the rest of your weekend!