Sunday 24 April 2016

Some Class Updates and Reminders

Assalamu Alaikum,

We had a fabulous two weeks alhamdulilah!

Here are some updates:

Reading: Students maintained stamina while reading to self. We worked on visualizing and making connections while reading.

Dr. Aisha read two chapters of  Danny, The Champion of the World, and students are looking forward to some exploring fun in the woods once we are done reading the chapter book :)

Sr. Madlien joined us and read "FINDING WINNIE". Students chose three questions to answer from the comprehension worksheet.

Spelling Bee Practice: Tr. Hajer joined us and students practiced the spelling bee process after we went over the rules. In our spelling bee practice Rida won first place, Ameer second and Fae third.

Kindly note that all students are expected to learn the spelling of the spelling bee list. Please make sure that your child is studying the list words for our next spelling bee practice which will be on Friday isA.

Writing/ Media Literacy: We went over the writing process where we learned to write the prewriting part (mind map, graphic organizer or timeline), write the draft, review and edit our work when writing.

Students went through the writing process when preparing their ads for the pizza project.

We wrote persuasive pieces by writing advertisements, and informative pieces "How To Writing".

Math: We completed our unit on fractions where students learned that fractions are a part of a whole or part of a set. We also learned that fractions are everywhere around us and how we use fractions all the time in real life! Students compared fractions, and we solved a lot of word problems on fractions. We had lots of fraction fun! Students worked in groups to write fractions of different traditional foods, we used play dough to learn fractions of a set, we learned pancake and Timbit fractions, we made pizza fractions and more!

Computer Lab: Students wrote on Wordpad, changed color, size and font. They learned to use keywords when searching online. They made the final copy of their advertisements, searched for pictures and learned to add them to their ads.

PIZZA PROJECTS: Students worked hard to complete their pizza projects. We talked about different pizza stores and their names. We learned what franchises are, and we started our own pizza projects.

Each student was expected to come up with a store name, logo, make an advertisement persuading people to buy their pizzas, make pizza fractions and make a menu with the prices. (The project included media literacy, writing, math, art, computer skills, health and music)

Students designed their pizza boxes with the title of the store, logo and number. Then they made their pizzas into fractions of all the pizza toppings their store has to offer. They used construction paper, markers, play dough and glue to make their pizzas.

Their work was super creative masha'Allah from their store names, logos to their delicious topping! Some students had dessert pizzas! 

Students wrote a persuasive piece by writing an advertisement persuading people to buy their pizzas! First they started with the prewriting part where they made a mind map with everything they could think of about their store. Then they wrote the draft, reviewed their work, edited it and typed their final copy in the computer lab.

We also wrote an informative piece where they wrote how to make pizza.

The last day of our project we made real pizzas with delicious toppings while listening to a pizza song and singing along! Then, we invited the grade 3s to come see and learn about our different stores and what we have to offer. Each third grader paired up with a second grader to learn about his/her project, listen to the ad, read the menu, learn the pizza fractions and taste the pizzas the owners made! We had a great time alhamdulilah!


Qura'n Class: I love attending our Qura'n class to see how fun Tr. Ibtissam makes learning Quran and listen to the beautiful recitation of the class. They are always enjoying the recitation, and having fun while learning masha'Allah!

Last week when students finished their Qura'n lesson, Tr. Ibtissam got them moving around and they were all having a blast masha'Allah!

  • Homework pack is due on Thursday.
  • Matter Test on Wednesday.
  • Please make sure your child studies the spelling bee list words for Friday (columns 4 and 5)
Have a great Sunday isA!