Saturday 9 April 2016

Class Updates and Reminders

Assalamu Alaikum,

We had a great week alhamdulilah!

Reading: We discussed some different reading strategies and applied them while reading. We learned to visualize, predict and make connections while reading to help us understand the text more.

Students read to self and they shared some of the predictions, connections and pictures they drew in their minds while reading.

Dr. Aisha read us two more chapters of "Danny, the Champion of the World!" Learn about how Danny saves his father from your child!

Sr. Madlein read us "Sugar Cookies", a book that teaches vocabulary associated with love.

Here are the vocabulary words from the book:
 selfless, considerate, compassionate, expensive love, true love, cherish, connect, unrequited, unconditional, supportive, admire, bliss, constructive

We completed a vocabulary worksheet as a class where students read sentences and described them using these vocabulary words
Image result for sugar cookies vocab

I read the class "Liza's First Spelling Bee" where we learned how a girl called Liza studied for the spelling bee by turning the words into characters and images to help her remember how to spell them.

Spelling: We learned more about contractions and how the apostrophe takes the place of letters to form a shortcut.

We are practicing the spelling bee rules as a class and how to "say - spell - say" the word. Please make sure your child is studying the spelling bee list.

Centers on Wednesday:
  • SNAIL MAIL (we wrote letters/notes to each other)
  • BUILD A CITY (we used 3D shape nets to make a city) 
  • VOCABULARY QUESTIONS (Students read clues to each other and guessed the vocabulary words.... smothered, grunted, fleeing, crave, fragrant, pleaded, replied, belongings, correspond, gently
  • VOCABUALRY MEMORY (Students matched the words to their meanings.)
  • AUTHOR'S PURPOSE (Students worked together to read sentences and decide the author's purpose.)
Math: We learned about 3D shapes and their attributes. Students explored different 3D shapes we have in our class, supermarkets, and everywhere around us.

We counted the faces of different 3D shapes by tracing the faces (like cereal boxes and tomato paste cans).

Students also made 3D shape nets and wrote about their attributes. They selected a 3D shape and described its attributes (How many edges, vertices and faces does it have? Does it stack or roll?)

We stacked and rolled 3D shapes, and discussed which 3D shapes stack and which ones rolls, and why.

We made 3D skeletons using clay and toothpicks, and learned that they had no faces.

Social Studies: Students followed directions to label "The Kings Castle". We are learning about communities and how each community has different traditions.

Computer Lab/ Social Studies: Students are writing about some of their traditions on a WordPad. We also researched pictures of different traditions.

Islamic Studies: Tr. Dina, the Islamic Studies coordinator, joined us, and students worked in groups to put the story of Prophet Nuh (SAW) in the right sequence. We discussed some of the lessons we learned form the story, and students made the ark of Prophet Nuh (SAW).

Qura'n Class: Tr. Ibtissam threw the class a party! They had popcorn and treats while watching the story of "Ashab Alokhdood".

Art: We had a fabulous time on Friday! Students were divided into groups where they painted boxes, Styrofoam balls, and toilet paper rolls, cut circles, and traced boxes on craft paper.

 Then once the paint dried, we had a blast making funny 3D creatures! Masha'Allah they all did a fabulous job!

  • Homework pack is due on Wednesday.
  • Study the third column of the spelling list for the spelling bee practice on Thursday.

Enjoy the rest of your weekend!