Tuesday 11 December 2012

Grade 2 A Wish List

As-Salamu Aleikum Parents,

there are a few things that our class would benefit from insha'Allah. So I have made a small wishlist.

- Lysol wipes to wipe door knobs and high traffic areas.
- Magic Erasers for cleaning desk tops

- And a new carpet insha'Allah

Our carpet is quite old and not large enough for all students to sit on comfortably. I have asked around and have found that a suitable carpet may be quite costly ($400-$600) so I will be asking for your help with this purchase. If each parent can contribute a small amount we well be able to get a new carpet. Any amount will help and we can save and continue to raise the funds until we can purchase the carpet. You may send the money with your child or give it to me and I will forward it to Sr. Naida at the office to keep until we have enough at which time I will go and purchase a new carpet insha'Allah. So thank you again for taking the time to read the blog and whether you are able to contribute or not, jazakalakhair for your cooperation with your childs education.

May Allah bless you and your family.
Please feel free to contact me at any time for any questions, concerns, comments, and/or suggestions.
Teacher A'isha