Saturday 1 December 2012

Parent Teacher Night

Parent Teacher Night

Jazakalakhair to those parents who were able to make it to the parent teacher night.
It was a successful night full of collaboration and ideas to help improve the learning in Grade 2A.
Some of the ideas for improvement include:
- A weekly preview on the blog to let you know what we will be doing during that week.
- Daily emails about what students covered in Math with page numbers for homework.
- Include some interactive links on the blog so students can take a more active role in this area.
- I will create a winter break "activity/study" package for students insha'Allah.
- Greater collaboration with the Grade 2B so both classes can benefit from each other insha'Allah.
- As well I have asked Brother Mustafa our custodian and he agreed to install lower hooks into the children's lockers.