We had a wonderful time this week alhamdulilah!
Reading: Jasmine and Maryam read the class Aurthur Lost in the Museum, and students wrote how they connected text to self, world, media and text in their journals.
Tr. Nancy read the class a book about how to use the internet and stay safe.
We had our guided reading class this week with Tr. Naaz, and this week we read biographies.
Writing: We had guided writing where we wrote a lab report as a class after completing a science experiment where we tried to get clay to float.
Students also wrote an informative piece independently explaining how matter can change from one state to another.
Spelling: We completed lesson 23 in our spelling book, contractions (aren't, can't, won't...etc)
Science: We did a few fun experiments this week! Students were each given a piece of clay and a cup of water, and their task was to try and get the clay to float by changing its shape.
Students learned that matter can change from one state to another by increasing or decreasing the temperature. We had a race where each student had to use body head to melt his or her ice cube, and the first one who melted the cube won! Today we learned that some objects absorb liquids and others repel liquids. Each group got a paper towel, a sponge, foil, plastic wrap and wax paper. Then I poured water on the desks, and their task was to discover which solids absorb water, and which ones repel water. After that, they completed a worksheet about absorption.
Math: This week we learned about Fact Families. Today students had a pop quiz on fact families, adding and subtracting two digits without regrouping and base ten blocks.
Islamic Studies: This week we answered questions about the Seerah in our I Love Islam workbooks, and Hilal read us a booklet about the Prophet (SAW) and how he treated others.
Gym: We played soccer, basketball, Round the Parachute and Sharks and Guards.
Students are not assigned any homework for the March break. Follow the Sunnah, pray on time, and have a lot of fun in shaa Allah!
Happy March break!