Monday 2 March 2015


Alsalamu Alaikum,

Today we had a great day alhamdulilah!

Spelling: Students wrote their spelling quiz, and today each student got to check her/his own work.
We learned our new list words, vowels with r. Students answered questions about the new list words in their spelling books.

Math: We completed a worksheet where students added two digits without re-grouping. They also showed numbers using base ten blocks.

Science: We learned about gases. Each student got a cup of water with some liquid soap, and we used pipe cleaners to make air bubbles. We talked about how air bubbles are made of air which is gas. Students had a lot of fun making bubbles today!

Gym: We went to the gym and played basketball and soccer.

Islamic Studies: We answered questions in our I Love Islam workbook about the Seerah.

  • Tomorrow is Toonie Tuesday.
  • Today students took their third I Love Sunnah sheet. 
Have a wonderful evening!