Tuesday 3 March 2015


Alsalamu Alaikum,

Today we had a lovely day alhamdulilah!

Writing: We watched a video explaining how to write a friendly letter, and what the different parts of a letter are. We did some guided writing where we wrote a friendly letter as a class, and students copied it in their journals. In shaa Allah tomorrow each student will be writing a letter to Ibraheem, and we will be sending him the letters.

Guided Reading: Today students did some independent reading.

Math: Today we started subtraction. We did some subtraction using different strategies (number line, counters, fingers).


  • This Friday we will be having our classdojo party in shaa Allah. Send a snack with your child to share with the class (cut fruit, veggies, cookies, cut cake..etc) Please make sure you do not send any chips to the party. 
  • Practice the Sunnah with your child.

I hope you all have a wonderful evening!