Welcome back!
Today we had a great day alhamdulilah!
Computer Lab: We went to the computer lab, and students learned to use a word document where they wrote titles, made the title bold, and changed the font and colour!
Spelling: Students wrote their spelling quiz, Contractions (Lesson 23). In shaa Allah they will get to repeat this quiz on Friday since some students were not prepared after the March break.
Math: We went over Fact Families and adding two digits. Students took a math pack, and they completed two pages in class. Tomorrow we will be starting adding with regrouping in shaa Allah.
Science: We played fun games where students answered questions about matter, and we played a game where they worked in groups to answer questions.
Gym: We played Freeze Tag!
Cooperation and Teamwork: We watched two great videos on cooperation and teamwork, and we discussed the importance of cooperating and working together.
Mariam, our Storyteller: We watched a video where Mariam introduced herself as a storyteller, and we started hearing one of her stories (Beauty and the Beast- Another Side of the Story)
Masha'Allah the students really enjoyed listening to the story! You can have your child listen to more stories read by Mariam by subscribing.
This is the link:
Homework: Math pack is due on Friday, 03/27/2015.
Have a wonderful evening!