Asalaamu'alykum dear Parents,
It was a short but busy week alhumdulilah. We started off with our field trip to Papanack zoo. The experience was a fun one for all students and it tied in very well with our science unit on animals.
Math: After students wrote a pop quiz on numbers we started a new unit on patterns. We discussed that a pattern can be something that repeats over and over again. They identified basic yet different repeating patterns and demonstrated their understanding by using colors, objects, movements, sounds and sizes. After presenting their different patterns (AB, ABB, AAB, ABC, ABCD etc), we moved on to read about repeating patterns at the zoo as well as in the city.
Islamic Studies: This week we took a look at a new chapter titled "I Love My Family". The story focused on the importance of being good to family, finding ways to be helpful, treating everyone with kindness and how to give that special attention and care to our parents. They completed a few exercises in their Islamic studies workbook. In our second period of Islamic studies this week, we also covered the story of Prophet Adam (as) which puts a lot of emphasis on how important it is to obey Allah (swt) and how to avoid Shaytaan's whisper.
Spelling/Language/Science: Students had their 3rd spelling test, learned to identify short "o" and "u" vowel sounds, completed 3 related activities in their workbooks and wrote a reflection on their experience at the zoo using simple structured sentences about their favourite part, favourite animal and what they know about the animals from what they have learned so far in science class.
The following words are for the next spelling quiz (Thursday, October 20th): gum, pot, dust, frog, must, sock, pup, shot, soft and tug.
FOR BONUS MARKS: sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth and tenth.
Art: A book on kindness was read to the students to inspire and engage them in different ways to practice it. I used Prophet (saw) as an example of how he did most good to others by showing kindness to all of creation especially orphans. We brainstormed together different acts of kindness we could incorporate into our daily lives and drew a picture of themselves doing an act of kindness to their family members or friends. Next week they will make these picture into cards, write a message and deliver them.
Reminder: Homework packs are due Thursday, October 20th inshaAllah.
Note: I will be sending home all students' spelling notebooks for parents to check and sign. I would like to ask you to kindly send them back in time for our next spelling quiz on Thursday, October 20th. JazakAllah Khayr.