Dear Parents,
Last week
was a busy but an informative one alhumdulilah.
Social Studies: We carried on with our lesson on
communities. We particularly discussed our community, what it has to offer and
the places we like to visit like libraries, recreation facilities, mosques,
shopping centres, zoos etc. We then talked about how community helpers work to
help the community. Students brainstormed various examples of community helpers
such as firefighters, sanitation workers, paramedics, veterinarians, farmers
etc. Afterwards we went over the three different types of communities and their
characteristics: rural, suburban and urban areas.
Math: Data management is the new chapter
we are now studying. In their math journals students started writing definitions
related to bar graphs such as data, survey, tally chart and parts of a graph
TAILS (Title, Axis, Interval, Labels, Scale). They surveyed 11 people in class by
asking who writes with their left hand or right hand. After creating the bar graph
based on the tally marks, they answered a series of questions about the
information depicted in the graph. It
was a handy exercise which allowed them to collect data, record it, create a
bar graph to share and compare the information more clearly.
Language: Mastering the 4 sentence varieties
and punctuation was our goal this week. Students were given a two-page comic
strip in which they had to make use of all types of sentences (exclamation,
declarative, imperative and interrogative) with proper punctuation. It was a
fun activity and they all did a wonderful job mashaAllah. For extra punctuation
practice they worked on related worksheets.
Spelling: Students wrote their spelling test from
lessons 1-5 on Friday. They learned about the long “a” vowel sound in lesson 6
and completed the exercises in their spelling books. The next spelling test will be Thursday, November 10th inshaAllah. Students have already jotted down the words and bonus words in their agendas.
Science: After completing their owl booklets,
we started learning about our next vertebrate category: fish. They watched a video about the different parts of fish including gills, scales and fins. Next week we will be delving into more detail about how different species of fish have adapted to their respective habitats. Students were also introduced to the concept of life cycle.
Studies: A pop quiz
was written on prophets Ibrahim (as) and Adam (as), the chapter: Allah Comes First
and the promises of Allah and shaytan.
Library Reminder: Please ensure your child
returns their library books on time, especially those that are overdue.
Reading: Please encourage your child to read on
RazKids for 20 minutes every day.
Homework packs are due Thursday, November 10th