Alhamdulilah we had a great week!
Reading/ Writing: Students sat on the carpet and we talked about the author's purpose (to persuade, to inform or to entertain) Then, students listened to a book called "I wanna Iguana" and brainstormed as a class how to persuade their parents to get them a pet.
Students completed a worksheet where they chose a pet and wrote reasons why this pet is good and how they would take care of it. The next day, we talked about different parts of a friendly letter. Each student wrote a letter to his/her parents convincing them to get a pet.
Reading: Sr. Madlein came and she read an interesting book called " Enemy Pie" teaching children how to turn enemies into great friends :) After that, students answered comprehension questions about the book.
Students sat on the carpet and I read a famous book called " Snowmen At Night" and then they answered a writing prompt "If I was a snowman at night , I would.....".

Math: We finished our unit "Addition and Subtraction Strategies" We completed pages in our math book where we used different strategies to add, and students wrote a quiz on fact families and doubles, and doubles + 1.
Computer Lab: We learned how to change the font, size and colour when writing on a word document.
Gym: We played soccer and Green Light/ Red Light!
Health: Students worked in their groups to work on a healthy eating activity called " Mixed Dishes". For each picture of mixed dish (combination food), students identified food from the four food groups and decided whether the dish would make a balanced diet or not.
Islamic Studies: Students sat on the carpet and Mohammed and Nour read "Make Duaa and it Will be Answered". We learned about the power of duaa.
Science: We read about fish, and students completed a worksheet where they used a word bank to complete sentences about fish.
Social Studies:
Students worked in groups to show what they know about their continent. They completed the information about their continent and five oceans that surrounds their continent. IsA they will present their work this week.

Quran Homework:
Please study Surat Al-Aala Ayah 16-19 for the test on Jan 21st,2016
- Students have their weekly spelling quiz tomorrow. (Lesson 16).
- Students took their spelling books home to practice for the weekly spelling quiz on lesson 16.. Homework pack is due on Wednesday.
- Grade 2A and 2B are going to attend jungle sport activities on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. Please send your child in comfortable gym clothing (no skinny jeans and shorts)
Have a great Sunday!