Sunday 15 November 2015

Updates and Reminders

Assalamu Alaikum,

We had a great week last week alhamdulilah!

Writing: We started our second DAILY 5 which is Work on Writing. We learned the I Chart for work on writing, and students did a great job maintaining stamina while writing!

Students got to pick their spots and chose a topic to write about. The second time we did Work on Writing, each student chose a character to write an adventure story about , they drew a picture of their character, and highlighted the verbs.

Reading: Students maintained stamina while reading to self.

Grammar: We learned the difference between a sentence and a fragment. We played a fun game to practice , and students completed a worksheet where they cutout sentences and fragments and pasted them in right column.

Math: Students completed word problems in groups and independently about ordinal numbers, and practiced greater and less than by completing a worksheet and on their whiteboards.

Ameer brought the ESTIMATION JAR, students wrote their estimations on paper, and the three students with the closest estimation each got a balloon.

Saara will be bringing the estimation jar tomorrow isA for more fun!

Science: We learned about what a life cycle is and got to see different life cycles.

Social Studies: Students worked in groups to make maps and label them with the continents and oceans.

Each student is assigned a task to research 3 interesting facts about his/her continent, so that each group can share some fun facts about their continent with the class. This is due on Thursday.

Art: Students used markers to colour coffee filters, we sprayed them with water to spread the colours, and isA we will be making beautiful birds with them this week.

Arabic (Tr. Hoda):
Students are learning verbs in Arabic class.

  • Homework pack is due on Wednesday.
  • Students have a spelling quiz on lesson 9 on Monday (long vowel sound u): rule, use, tune, mule, due, true, grew, few, you, cute

  •  Students should also learn the spelling of first, second and third for Monday's spelling quiz.
  • Students are grouped and named according to continents. Research three interesting facts about your  group continent for Thursday.
  • Please make sure you sign your child's agenda.

Have a wonderful evening!