Wednesday 25 November 2015

Yesterday and Today's Updates

Assalamu Alaikum,

We had a wonderful day today and yesterday!

Grammar: Yesterday we played "Say an Adjective to Your Partner" where students were told what nouns to describe and they had 20 seconds to say as many adjectives as they could to each other. Then, two students would say their adjectives in front of the class (e.g. feelings: glad, annoyed, happy, optimistic, excited, scared...etc)

Today we played "Say an Adjective to Your Partner" again, and students worked independently to complete an adjective worksheet.

Spelling: Yesterday we completed lesson 11 in our spelling books where we learned list words with the long vowel e.

Reading: Yesterday students maintained stamina while reading to self, and they kept an open eye for adjectives while they were reading. After they were done reading, they shared some of the adjectives they found in their books with the class.

Today Sr. Madlien read us ONE SMART COOKIE! Students learned great vocabulary, and we answered questions about the vocabulary words as a class.

IsA we will be playing vocabulary games, completing vocabulary worksheets, and using the words in our writing classes. Please use these words at home with your child. You can choose one or two words per day, and use them when speaking to your child. (e.g. Masha'Allah you got a point for being prepared today!, I think you should do your homework today, and stop procrastinating.)

The vocabulary words are:

1. Prompt

2. Organized / Unorganized

3. Prepared / Unprepared

4. Compromise

5. Empathy

6. Kindness

7. Listening

8. Contribute

9. Procrastinate

10. Diligent

11. Persevere

12. Arrogant / Humble

13. Ponder

14. Daydream

15. Creative

16. Dishonesty

17. Integrity

18. Curious

19. Inspire

Math: Yesterday students completed page 19 in their math books where they skip counted on number lines, and they showed a two digit number using tally marks, 10 frames, a calendar and pictures.

Today we started a new chapter on Data Management. Students wrote down the meanings of key vocabulary words on Data Management (Data, Tally Marks, and Graph) in their math journals. Students also worked in their groups to make bar graphs and answer questions about them.They did a wonderful job, MashaAllah.

Then they worked independently to complete a worksheet on bar graphs.  

Science: Yesterday students wrote 5 special facts about reptiles in their science folders.

Today we worked on our projects. Students looked for answers to their questions in their books. 

Gym: Yesterday we played Pizza, Freeze Tag and Copy my Silly Dance! We had a great time alhamdulilah!

  • Students took home a reading stamina track sheet to record their reading stamina at home. 
  • Tomorrow is Spirit Day! Wear green and white to show Abraar School Pride.
  • Fundraising Dinner is this Saturday. Looking forward to seeing you all isA!
I hope you have a lovely evening!