Assalamu Alaikum,
Yesterday and today were just great alhamdulilah!
Spelling: Students wrote their spelling quiz on "r and l blends" and the bonus was to listen to the definition of one of our vocabulary words and write it down.
We completed lesson 14 in our spelling books where we learned blends with "S".
Math: We revised pictographs and bar graphs. Students completed pages 27 and 28 in their math books, and they came up with survey questions to show the results in a pictograph or a bar graph.
We estimated our estimation jar and shared the delicious chocolates!

IsA I'll post the stick insect and humming bird posters tomorrow :)
Library: Students borrowed books from the school library.
Gym: Yesterday we had a superb time playing "Catch me if you can!" and "Sharks and Guards" with the parachute!
Today we went to the gym and watched the grade 5s preform the story of Prophet Musa (SAW) on stage! Masha'Allah the grade 5s did a wonderful job!
Islamic Studies: We read "Zaid Learns to Make Wudu" in our I.S book, students worked in pairs to show each other how to make wudu and the importance of conserving water.
We made Wudu booklets and Wudu Pyramids or Cakes!
Qura'n Homework: Practice Surah Al-Aala Ayah 7-11.
- Please make sure you send back the library book your child took for the animal project this week.
- Thursday will be SPIRIT DAY.. MIX AND MATCH!
- Please note that Hot Lunch Forms have been sent home. All forms are due by Dec. 17th, 2015 with full payment.
Have a great evening!