Saturday 19 December 2015

Class Updates and Important Reminders

Assalamu Alaikum,

We had a fabulous week alhamdulilah!

Reading: We talked about what discrimination is and we read "Desmond and the Very Mean Word" again. We talked about how forgiving others makes us feel happy and free.

Writing/Reading: We learned about AUTHOR"S PURPOSE (PIE: An author writes to persuade, inform or entertain). We looked at different books and magazines and decided as a class what the author's purpose was. Students worked in pairs to cut and past sentences under the correct purpose (Persuade, Inform or Entertain).

Students maintained stamina during WORK ON WRITING, and their task was to write to persuade the reader to eat more every day food and maintain a balanced diet.

Math: Students wrote their math test on bar graphs and pictographs.

We started a new unit in math (ADDITION and SUBTRACTION)...

Students wrote the definitions of Sum and Fact Family in their journals, and they showed a fact family. They also completed a page in their math book where they drew a pet store and wrote addition and subtraction stories about the pets!

Science: Adam, Talla, Salam, Ibrahim, Naeema, Kamilah, Raya, Mohammed and Sana A presented their projects. Masha'Allah they all did a great job!

We played a game to compare amphibians to reptiles where students took turns to write in a Venn diagram. Then, they each worked independently to complete the Venn Diagram in their science folders comparing amphibians to reptiles.

Computer Lab: We went to the computer lab on Thursday. Each student read a book on razkids, and answered questions about the book. Then we play educational games!

Gym: We went to the gym and played "People to People" and Freeze Tag.

Islamic Studies: We learned about prayer and how it is the key to Jannah. We read the 2 lessons in our "I Love Islam" text book about prayer.

Some Fun Time: We had a great time yesterday building a tower using connecting straws and we also had some playdough fun!

Have a great time enjoying the beautiful weather, going for walks, visiting the library,  and spending quality time with your children :)

  • Students are encouraged to make a reading chain with all the books they read during the winter break. (Instructions were sent home yesterday)
  • Students took home their DRA results yesterday.
  • If you did not return the book your child borrowed for the project, please make sure you take it back to the public library.
Have a great winter break isA!