We had a wonderful day today and yesterday alhamdulilah!
Grammar: Yesterday we went over what adjectives are, and we did a graffiti activity where students pasted different pictures on chart paper, and they went around the class in groups to write as many adjectives as they could to describe the pictures. After each group got to describe all the pictures, we crossed out the words that were not adjectives, and students selected the best adjectives that described the nouns.
Reading: Today Dr. Aisha read us two very interesting books about responsibility since it is the character trait of December. The books are Lilly's Purple Plastic Purse and Grandfather's Orchard. We enjoyed both books :)
Spelling: Today students wrote their spelling quiz on lesson 11 (long vowel e), and the bonus was to write 5 adjectives.
We worked on lesson 12 which is a revision of lessons 7 to 11.
Vocabulary: Today we played a fun game called " Mini Game Show" where students were divided into two group, and each student got a number. I called 1 number at a time and the students with the number (one from each group) would stand in front of the class, listen to a clue (definition or example of a vocabulary word), and the first one to clap got to say the word to earn a point for his/her team!
Library: Yesterday Tr. Nancy taught the students where to find the title, copyright date, city of publication and publisher in their books.IsA next week students will learn about TEXT FEATURES.
Gym: Yesterday we had a great time playing "FAST" and "DODGE BALL" in gym class!
Math: Yesterday students sat on the carpet and we completed a graph using TAILS as a class. Students answered different questions about the graph and we came up with different strategies to find the answer when comparing scales.
Today students worked in groups to make bar graphs using fruit loops. Each group got some fruit loops and their task was to count how many they had of each colour using tally marks, and make a bar graph.

Classdojo Party: We had our classdojo party today to celebrate our hard work! Alhamdulilah we had a great time!
- Complete lesson 12 in your spelling book (due on Monday)
- Record stamina on stamina track sheet.
- Homework pack is due tomorrow.
- Razkids assignment is due tomorrow.
- Sign your child's agenda.
- Insha'allah we will be going to the book fair on Thursday. Today each student took home a flyer.
Have a great evening!