Monday 27 October 2014

Classwork and Homework

Alsalamu Alaikum,

Today we had a wonderful day alhamdulilah!

Computer Lab: We went to the computer lab and students explored razkids. They also played educational games!

Spelling: Students wrote their spelling quiz. The bonus was to write a compound sentence. We started the revision unit (Lessons 1 to 5). Students wrote opposites and rhyming words in their spelling books.

Next week's spelling quiz will be a revision on all five lessons. Students should revise the spelling of the list words from lessons 1 to 5.

Math: We are learning to add coins. Today students completed a worksheet where they added quarters (25, 50, 75, 100...etc) They also completed a worksheet where they matched the piggy banks to the correct amounts.

Islamic Studies: We sang the diversity song that we will be singing for assembly on Wednesday in shaa Allah.

Gym: We completed our Hijra laps. Students took turns to race each other.

  • Thursday is spirit day! It's  Mix and Match day. Students will wear clothes that don't match and bring a toonie, so that we can buy matching clothes for those in need.
  • Friday is picture day in shaa Allah.
I hope you all have a great evening in shaa Allah!