Reminder: Dental Screening on October 9
Dear Parents/Guardians:Annie Sauvé RDH, a REGISTERED
with Ottawa Public Health, will provide a dental screening using a tongue depressor on October 9, 2014, for all grades and other children as necessary. If your child’s grade is not selected, but you wish for the dental hygienist to see him/her, please advise the school. Only children identified as having dental needs will bring home a form. Follow-up school visits by the dental hygienist for individual children may be done. THIS DOES NOT REPLACE REGULAR DENTAL VISITS WITH YOUR FAMILY DENTIST.* Some date(s) may be subject to changeThis dental screening is offered in accordance with the Ontario Public Health Standards from Ontario Ministry of Health and LONG TERM CARE
. Personal Health Information is collected in compliance with the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act and the Personal Health Information Protection Act and will be used for the purpose of dental assessment, treatment and oral hygiene instruction, and for statistical purposes. Questions concerning the collection and use of this information should be directed to the Supervisor of Dental Health Promotion, Ottawa Public Health, 400-1580 Merivale Rd., Ottawa, ON, tel.: 613-580-6744 ext 26376.