Wednesday 29 October 2014

Updates about Mammal Project-Tr.Nancy

Dear Parents, 

Assalamu Alaikum

The grade two students started working on the "DO" portion of their mammal research today. Unfortunately, a few students did not have their mammal book or their KWL Chart and Question sheet with them.  As a result, they were unable to follow along and do the required work. This stage is a crucial part of their research, so it is important that they come to the class or library prepared. 

Please note that this first research is done under the supervision of both teachers and myself. Because the bulk of their research will be done at school, they need their materials with them at school until their research is done. 

Tomorrow, I will be in both classes to continue what we started today, inshaAllah. Please make sure they have their animal book and papers with them before they leave for school.

Thank you for your cooperation in this matter. Jazakum Allahu Khairan.


Nancy-Ann Brethour